I need to vent !!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr !!!

by young hearts, be free.. 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    WOW! I can't believe just how irritated I got reading some of things on here today-I've been away for a few weeks, and now the anti-jw sentiment is flooding back

    I called my Dad a few minutes ago to have a chat, and after all was said and done and we'd spoken about work, life (mine's fantastic btw) etc he tells me that "he thinks that what I need is some spiritual direction and belief in my life" !! I was sooooooooooo mad - can we not just be father and son and talk, leaving the disagreeable matters alone?? Every time we talk he does it, he just can't help himself...I said to him in reply "no I don't need that Dad, what I learnt was mind-bending, brainwashing bullshit......" - which resulted in him hanging up....After he'd done the usual JW shit of discrediting my intelligence and belief in evolution...

    Maybe you can relate, maybe you can't but I am so so fucked off with him and the entire bunch of fuckwit retards that make the JW's....

  • Scully

    I hear you, loud and clear.

    After not having a conversation with my parents for over 6 months, I bit the bullet recently and called them when I received a few disturbing emails from them. Having resolved the matter, one of them started steering the conversation to "the times we are living in".... I find it quite effective to say "I hope you aren't planning to use this conversation to pad your Field Service Reportâ„¢, because if you are, I will expect equal time for you to hear about [insert WTS scandal of choice], especially since I'm paying for this call. If you want to preach to me, it can be on your nickel." Then I laugh, so they aren't sure if I'm joking or not... but it keeps them from venturing any further down that path. I don't know what bugs them more: the thought that they'd have to endure listening to negative things about the JWs/WTS, or the fact that if they want to preach to me it's going to cost them money.

  • jwfacts

    I have learnt to steer away from discrediting the bible with my family as it makes them think i am insane or unspiritual. So I stick to discussions on why JWs are not following the bible, not directed etc. There are endless things to talk about from the bible that totally destroy any faith in the WTS.

  • greendawn

    That's what they've been mind conditioned to do, they think that armageddon is near and those outside the org will die. None of this is true of course, but they believe it so they try to get people back in to "save" them.

  • stillAwitness

    I said to him in reply "no I don't need that Dad, what I learnt was mind-bending, brainwashing bullshit......" - which resulted in him hanging up....

    Even though you are obviously the one who does not need someone "counseling" you here; here's where you messed up. Ya know how it is-say one thing bad about Society and its like you've just announced you're having a sex change operation.

    Perhaps you can just tell your dad-"I prefer not to talk about that dad -so how 'bout them Yankee's huh ?"

  • unique1

    You are not alone. I was posting the same kind of stuff last week. Just remember they are brainwashed to. I think the older you are the harder it is to leave and believe that you were brainwashed for that long of a period of time. Just realize they probably won't leave, but they do love you enough to talk to you and well that is a lot better than most of us get. Hang in there.

  • xjwms

    Young hearts........

    My dad did the same thing to me in his later years. Get this, .....he had been inactive as a jw since the early 1960's.

    Aboout 1999 and 2000 he began reading the wt. and aw. mags and began the "preach" to me. I began showing him some of the flip flop's

    and he did'nt like it. A few weeks before he died, .. I had some quality time with him, .. he told me how bad, .."the brothers', treated hime

    over the years, and how all the "friends" I had in the org, were nothing but a lot of FREE LOADERS, come over eat and drink, and prove

    that they had never been a Friend anyway. Before he died, we finally understood the decisions, we had both made while a part of the org.


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