Acts 20:20,21

by stevieb1 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stevieb1

    Acts 20:21,21: According to the NWT these verses read:

    "while I did not hold back from telling you any of these things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. But I thoroughly bore witness to both Jews and to Greeks about repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus."

    The Watchtower Society feels that contrary to those who say that Paul taught believers in private homes, verse 21 clearly shows he was preaching to unbelievers, hence they feel they have justification for their house to house preaching methods.

    Does anyone have a comment to make on this matter?

  • blondie

    Don't find too many at home nowadays....

    They used to hand tracts out at the church doors as people left on Sunday. This is why they changed to door to door...

    7/15/01 p. 12 paragraph 11

    "God's harvest workers often met people as they were leaving church services and gave them tracts...After a reappraisal of the effectiveness of this method of witnessing, the Watch Tower of May 15, 1903, urged harvest workers to distribute the tracts "from house to house, on Sunday forenoons."

    Now more emphasis is put on contacting people at places other than their homes...where people recreate, work, cannot hide
    Of course this doesn't really answer your question.

    I'm sure someone here has already researched this thoroughly and will post it. I just thought it was interesting that house to house was not the first form of witnessing and did not really take hold until the 1920's and 30's. (I guess the light wasn't bright enough yet

  • MikeNightHaShev

    Yes I'd like to respond to this:
    Perhaps you'll get the lesson and hypocracy in this story:

    I was gonna drop off a copy of my new Book
    "Keepers of the Unpopular Truth" to a JW Hall
    and the Elder rudely declined the free book I was offering him.
    He said he only relies on the Bible.
    I said to him the Bible verses were in this book and there were many helpful verses JW's missed that support their many positions. Still he declined my free gift.
    I began to tell him he didn't understand that he might be missperceiving the nature of the book, that it was in line with his beliefs and would be helpful.
    Still he got obnoxiously rude and walked off.
    The first thing that came to mind I blurted out without control:
    I said:
    "you know what you just did don't you?"
    He said: "no what?"
    I SAID: "you just validated everyone who's ever refused one of your own tracts you tried to bestwo on them as a free gift"

    With a shocked face he blurted out a giant "D'OH!" in frustration knowing he had just stumped himself.

    But even more ironic is when the free book is in the name of the Author Michael and you claim Michael as the Christ to rise Dan 12:1-4
    in this time now and the last name of the author HaShev in Hebrew means 'Return Deliver/Restore'and you know Michael best knows the scripture of Truth -Dan 10:21 and yet reject any secreting of the bible by such a man coming in his name then you trully don't believe like you claim to believe. You truly don't leave access or an outlet or open door for that Michael to come in and do his job.

    To see the Book the Elder Rejected, visit here for a free online copy:

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