I really hate the secrecy in JW's ...I felt like the low man on the totem pole even though I was a pioneer. The Big Important Men decide things behind closed doors and you can't know anything. I can understand why someone said it was a pediphile's paradise, or anyone's who done really bad things. Everyone sits at the meeting pretending to be perfect. Hated that. Then they tell you to shun someone and you're not allowed to know or ask what they even did... But then I'm only a woman.....
Damn, I hate the secrecy!
by Star Moore 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Funny...I guess you are saying that really they don't want you to know the "truth" about what is going on around you. What "truth" were they supposed to have to give out? I don't remember Jesus having any secrets, or shrinking from any questions.
Is it just me?
Secrecy in the ranks of the Watchtower elite is a major control tool" "What the rank and file don't know about they can't question about". Ex: the 10 year alliance with the U.N. until the doors were busted wide open by a reporter from the Guardian.
Many current JW's have no idea of Beth Sarim, the predictions by Judge Rutherford that the faithful men of old were coming back to earth in 1925, etc. etc. etc. and countlaess other quackeries and failed prohecies. Regarding the whole of the WT organization, I read a quote somewhere once that "an educated Witness is an ex-Witness'.
I really hate the secrecy in JW's ...I felt like the low man on the totem pole even though I was a pioneer. ; The Big Important Men ;decide things behind closed doors and you can't know anything. ; I can understand why someone said it was a pediphile's paradise, or anyone's who done really bad things. ; Everyone sits at the meeting pretending to be perfect. ; Hated that. ; Then they tell you to shun someone and you're not allowed to know or ask what they even did... ; But then I'm only a woman.....
You just outlined one of the basic definitions of "cult."