2 brothers came by today to pick up one of the pieces she stuck in our living room. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/107096/1.ashx (It was absolutely hideous!) My mother was really mad but my dad put his foot down on this one. ("Its my house and yadi yadi ya argument which in the end I took his side just because this was one time my mother was being absurd.)
However she has been really angry at my dad all day, of course.
Everyone from the previous thread has the same mindset that this lady may be staying for a little while longer than she claims?
She has decorated the entire guest room with her dresser, nightstand, own end table and all other kinds of knick-knacks...But I really don't think my father would allow her to be here more than the time allotted.
So the score so far is 1-StillA