Type CHARITABLE GIVING into the JW.org search engine and guess what you find?

by Zoos 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zoos

    A long list of articles detailing how YOU can give money to THEM.

    Not a single mention of feeding, clothing or sheltering the poor, but an in depth discussion of how you can donate money, jewelry, property, both while you are living and after you are dead.

    CHARITABLE GIVING - What a loving arrangement.

  • Divergent

    Well, take a look at pages 4 & 5 of the WT being considered this month (Dec '14 WT). There it is yet again!

    Charitable giving = give to us. Yeah right!

  • wifibandit
    I have a Spanish copy of their brochure on "charitable planning". Anyone have the English version in PDF?
  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Hey, let's be fair. I typed "charitable giving" and I got this video. Sometimes the GB can come up with a good thing. I watched the whole video about "giving makes you happy". I was waiting for the final appeal for money for the ORG, but it never happened. Thumbs up to the org. on this one... just this one.


  • Watchtower-Free
  • blondie

    They have an article every year, usually in December, rarely in November, just in time to donate by the end of year deadline. Christmas gift???


    Not a single mention of feeding, clothing or sheltering the poor, but an in depth discussion of how you can donate money, jewelry, property, both while you are living and after you are dead.

    .....................WBT$ CHARITABLE GIVING..

    .................Image result for Shaking money out of pockets

  • Vidiot

    Zoos - "Type CHARITABLE GIVING into the JW.org search engine and guess what you find? A long list of articles detailing how YOU can give money to THEM."

    Jeezus, it's like they're not even trying to look like Christians, anymore.

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