Hello I am 14 years old and I am a Jehovah Wittness. I would like to talk to a actual Wittness that i can relate to, I can never find any real ones on. WEll please reply if you are or email me at Princessbaby1512@hotmail.com
I want to talk to a Real Wittness
by Princessbaby1512 3 Replies latest social family
Sweetheart all the actual witnesses are dead they have
been for over 1900years or so.Now if your talking about the ultimate JW really not ONE
exist. They are wraped in a riddle."Oh what a tangled web
we weave when we practic to decieve". Please your so young
there are a lot of fine "sisters "here who can help you not
waste your life. Please SEEK them out.Peace and Love-----Mark
Hey Princessbaby i am a witness you can talk to me whenever you would like myemail adress is papasmurf4800@hotmail.com