I had this all typed out in a PM but after I thought about it, it's more fun to piss the guy off by saying crap like this in public...if you guys have never read his topics, you are missing out!
I'm sure you have plenty of messages, etc, but here's one more. I'm pretty sure you don't want an awww Dave that's terrible or crap like that, and while I did choke up a bit thinking about you going through your illness, I can't help but think of how you would be dealing with it in your style of aww f*ck it and so on so forth.
So in any case, consider this another thank you note. You probably don't beleive it or think it's a big deal, but you are the first person who's writings really hit home with me and got me to get off my ass and do something. No disrespect to anyone else here, but your thought patterns just seemed to work really well with me, it was like a smokescreen was cleared. Things are so different now and I can trace it back to that epiphone. Now I'm starting my own business and actually beleive there's nothing wrong with ME like I used to. It wasn't me that was screwed up, it was THEM. Now I know that and actually beleive it.
You gave me a life that I might not have realized otherwise, and yea you can say if it wasn't you, it would be someone else, well f*ck you Dave, it was you and take the g*ddamn credit for it...the way you've lived you may need it.
Warmest Regards and Respect,