A Message for Dave/Seven006

by wanderlustguy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    I had this all typed out in a PM but after I thought about it, it's more fun to piss the guy off by saying crap like this in public...if you guys have never read his topics, you are missing out!


    I'm sure you have plenty of messages, etc, but here's one more. I'm pretty sure you don't want an awww Dave that's terrible or crap like that, and while I did choke up a bit thinking about you going through your illness, I can't help but think of how you would be dealing with it in your style of aww f*ck it and so on so forth.

    So in any case, consider this another thank you note. You probably don't beleive it or think it's a big deal, but you are the first person who's writings really hit home with me and got me to get off my ass and do something. No disrespect to anyone else here, but your thought patterns just seemed to work really well with me, it was like a smokescreen was cleared. Things are so different now and I can trace it back to that epiphone. Now I'm starting my own business and actually beleive there's nothing wrong with ME like I used to. It wasn't me that was screwed up, it was THEM. Now I know that and actually beleive it.

    You gave me a life that I might not have realized otherwise, and yea you can say if it wasn't you, it would be someone else, well f*ck you Dave, it was you and take the g*ddamn credit for it...the way you've lived you may need it.

    Warmest Regards and Respect,


  • skyman

    I must of missed the memo

  • james_woods

    When the bad news came a few days back, I looked up 006 posts and read through the whole Bethel thing. I certainly hope this fine gentlemen is still able to see the outstanding display of well-wishers and friends that have put these messages here.

    BTW; does anyone know what color that Porsche was?

    Best wishes, James

  • BizzyBee

    I, too, was inspired to check out the trip to Bethel story by Dave. It resonated with me tremendously - I could see it so clearly in my mind's eye - it was as if I were there. I couldn't stop reading - printed it out - nearly missed a class because I could not put it down!

    Dave's hiatus leaves a huge gap on this board.

  • seven006


    Well f**k you very much. You do crack me up my friend, that is one of the reasons I picked you to take my place as the bullshit cutting, thought provoking, sarcastic in-your-face, cynical bastard with a big heart once I leave. I think you will understand that statement.

    You’re making me do another post with one eye open to be able to see half way straight and having to go back and correct every other word because I hit the wrong key on my keyboard (I could have used this in High school to explain some of my missing homework assignments). Loosing my vision is just one of the many advantages to this little disorder I have as it hunts down my bodies nervous system and kills it. Loosing my vision would have been one hell of a lot more advantageous in my life 30 years ago. That way I might have chosen women for who they were instead of how they looked. Bad for me but good for my kids I guess. They are good looking boys.

    I was planning on writing an individual thank you messages to everyone that made a comment on my exit post but it kept growing and growing along with the PM’s. You people do love your sad stories. 8 pages for Christ sakes! Don’t you people ever watch TV? If my vision ever clears up I will still write the thank you’s. If it doesn’t I hope you all understand.

    Back to Donnie, I told you a long time ago you had it in you to figure the things out that I have. You also have the heart, intelligence, kindness, compassion, and depth of character to cut through the bullshit and clearly explain it to others who MIGHT want to hear it. I also asked you how far you wanted to take it. It takes a lot of time, doesn’t have a fairytale ending and you may loose a few friends along the way. When and if you do figure it out just remember, it’s a lot more gratifying to make a good friend, then it is to make a good point. The good points will always have their place and time. This place has a lot of people who need friends and a lot of good people who can be one. You are right, it isn’t you, it is them…a long history of thems. Think about that and try to put it into perspective when you are trying to help. Helping others is the best way to get yourself back. I told you that when you went from asking for help to giving it. You made it over the first hump.

    What I have figured out isn’t all that hard to see. If you read as much as you can about ancient history (religions, silk highway trade routs, Emperor Constantine, Confucius, Krishna, Buddha ,etc) from an unbiased perspective and learn as much as you can about human psychology and group dynamics you will have a good “big picture” about why people do and think the way they do. People don’t change, they really never have. Just look at the Middle East and parts of Asia.

    Adam and Eve, Mohammad, Jesus, Dionysus, Ra, Leah and Han Solo, talking snakes, burning bushes, and Jedi light sabers, we all need our stories to help fill in the blanks of our existence. Start with “the Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and just go from there. An intelligent open mind is an extremely powerful tool. How you choose to use it is up to you.

    Take care my friend and knock this shit off! Reading and responding with one eye closed gives me one hell of a headache.


  • seven006


    It was and is black. My oldest son has it now. He has always wanted it. To me, it’s just a car.

  • james_woods

    Great news to hear from you, Dave...

    Mine is black, too - 1996 Targa (last of the aircooled kind).

    Take care, YF James.

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