People are leaving the WTS daily. Some of them find their way to this site. But I believe those who get on the internet are few in comparison to those who have left the WTS. Not everyone has a computer. Not everyone knows they can go to most libraries or internet cafes to do some research. And even if they knew they could get access they may be too scared of someone seeing them looking up info about the WTS.
I remember how alone I felt in 1985 when I left. I only knew one person who was out and he wasn't someone I wanted to be friends with. So I was on my own. In my isolation around 1990 I went to one of the elders who had DFed me and asked about reinstatement. It was the lack of compassion and love that made me change my mind about going back. Too many are going back like I almost did.
So... Is there a way to find these people who have left quietly, or been kicked out and help them be free? I am living in a new city so I know none of the JWs here. But while I was in the city where I was a JW (Montreal) the grapevine news would get back to me that certain ones were out. I wish I could have sent them a letter. Or knocked on their door. I wish I could have found the courage to reach out to help them feel less alone.
There are so many many more who need to know they are not alone. Is there some way we can reach out to them, even anonymously.
I realize for many that is impossible, especially if you have family who are still in. I know something I used to do was take the mag when I found them in hospitals, doctors offices, laundrymats. No point in letting others get trapped. I also bought WT books when I found them in used book stores.
Something I have thought about a few times is the possibility of setting up a letter buddy system. It would work like this:
- I know a person I would like to recieve some info. But I can't let anyone know I have this info and am sending it to someone.
- I find a letter buddy (preferably from another city) who is willing to send the info for me.
- In turn I will send a letter to someone else for them or someone else on the buddy letter list.
Your identity stays hidden. Even the letter buddy doesn't have to put a name on it, perhaps signing it "Someone who cares".
Letters might include info on how to find accurate info and for them to please check it out before throwing it out. Info on the internet and library computer access can be included. Whatever you think might be helpful for that person. If for example I want a letter sent to person "A" I email it to my letter budy who prints it out and mails it. My letter buddy or someone else in the list sends me a letter to mail out to their person "B".
Is this possible?