I have learned so much about the org since I da'd - the truth about the UN scandal, the false reasoning regarding the 1914 doctrine, how widespread a problem child abuse really is in the org, things that I would never have found out if I was still in. I can also understand why the gb don't like jws accessing the internet, there is far too much information about the wts on there for their liking.
The most important thing I have learned, or perhaps re - learned however, is the value of true, non - conditional friendship. For so many years I thought the jws I mixed with were my true friends, but now I know they are not. The friends I've made since leaving don't worry about what I believe, they accept me for what I am, and although I haven't met anyone on this board in person, dedpoet apart of course, I regard you as friends, and hope to meet some of you eventually. I have been here on my own quite a lot recently as dp has been working away, but I haven't been too lonely because I know I can come on the board and chat to people who have shared my experiences, and that has been such a help these last few weeks, so thankyou all for your friendship, I am so grateful.
love, Linda
ps dp is back now, and I am happy to see him, though it does mean sharing the pc again, Iv'e had it to myself for the last few weeks.