Well, as usual I come down somewhere in the middle. I resent them saying they are Jehovah's Witnesses and then doing something like draping themselves in the American Flag. I despise hypocrites in any form and this action to be is certainly hypocrisy.
First, I'm not sure what you mean by "draping" themselves in the American Flag. I recall seeing Venus run her victory lap at the Olympics carrying the flag of the country she was sent there to represent. Exactly how does this make her/them hypocrits?
Secondly, what right have you or anyone else to "resent them saying they are JWs?" Sounds like you're more indoctrinated with the Party dogma than you care to believe. The Sisters and anyone else have the right to profess themselves JWs if that is what they consider themselves to be. There's no scriptural foundation to suppose that the fact that one doesn't define him-/herself by nor shackle his/her life to every jot and tittle of the WTBTS Law Code and ridiculously unsubstantiated pharisaic pronouncements disqualifies him/her by Jehovah to be witnesses of his. If there's any hypocrite in this scenario, it's the WTBTS for secretly and dishonestly sanctioning different standards for different "levels" of worshiper---the multi-level salvation plan. Personally, I say bravo to the Sisters and anyone else if independent and conscientious conclusions are what guide their actions, decisions and choices.
What I found out as I grew up and opened my eyes is that most JWs are hypocrites.
Have you really even
seen "most JWs?" That's a pretty broad brush you're brandishing. Sort of like the WTBTS's endless generalizations re: "worldly" people, entertainment, literature, recreation, dress, education, politics, religion, commerce, viewpoints, morals..., don't you think?
They go to the meetings and talk about how near the end is, blah blah blah, but if they really believed that in a matter of months or years that billions of people would die if they did not learn the basic truths of the bible, then they should be preaching constantly, living together in communes to take care of each other's children while the majority of adults went out preaching.
They go to the meetings and talk about what the Party Bosses demand they talk about if they don't want to suffer reprisals. Rather than suggesting hypocrisy, this seeming paradox might, just might suggest that there are more JWs than you imagine who believe and accept the basic tenets of the Bible, but who consider much of what the self-described fds passes off as spirit-directed interpretation of prophecy as the pure moonshine it has proven to be. Not everyone who doesn't believe has left the fold. I know of what I speak.
Instead, the great majority does a tacit amount of preaching to insure their place in the new system and then basically just live like everyone else lives with perhaps more moderation on the type of entertainment they have and of course no holidays or voting (although not voting doesn't stop witnesses from having very vocal political opinions on every subject).
(Note: I don't think you mean "tacit" with regard to their preaching. That would rather defeat the whole purpose, wouldn't it? Then again, that would explain the decrease in the number of baptisms in developed nations. Sort of reminds me of when I hear friends state that someone was given "silent" reproof. The easiest kind to accept, I would imagine.
Back on the serious---
"Great majority?" Great majority??? Where are your statistics for this outlandish observation? Such wild and unsubstantiated declarations as these you make remind me of Brooklyn-speak and cause me to marvel that you ever thought your way out from under its control.
What choice do those JWs have who don't embrace the "entire range of revealed truths" but are bound for various reasons to remain among the ranks? I don't know your age but am assuming you may be quite a bit younger than I. Has it never occurred to you (or is it so beyond the boundaries of your compassion) that, yes there are many mindless drones among JWs, but there are many others who have been at this seemingly forever but, unlike you and others here who are able to congratulate themselves for their independent thinking while severely judging others, who don't feel they can quit outright but actually don't believe anymore???
But, on the other hand I agree that Venus and Serena's modern Jehovah's Witness views will cause a lot of young people to move further in the direction of following their own dreams and I think that is a good thing.
I very much doubt that this will happen at all, at least not because of any trail blazed by the Michael Jacksons, George Bensons, Larry Grahams, Wilton Felders, Wayne Hendersons, or the Williams Sisters of the organization. Sleb JWs are granted a latitude by the Society that will never be enjoyed by the average pub until and unless [s]he, too, reaches that level. Obscenely ---if you'll pardon the expression--- generous contributions significantly broaden the "conscience matters" the organization permits one in his/her decisions, conduct and actions. Until the average publisher can compensate in cash for what [s]he lacks in field service hours and meetings attended, [s]he will continue to be bludgeoned with the need to "do more in kingdom service," pursue "theocratic goals" for himself, and not give in to Satan's lure of materialism. This, imo, will continue to have the greater effect and dissuade most. Only those few who are very determined, with an unalterable vision, will recognize that it is far easier to receive from this organization absolution on the back end than permission on the front end---especially when attached to the back end is a sizeable "pay to the order of" with guaranteed future installments. For the "worldwide preaching work," but of course.
It is not really my intention to pick on you, joelbear, but I admit to having had something stuck in my craw ever since I started lurking here. Your post pushed buttons of mine that are often rubbed raw on this forum. There are many current JWs who both lurk and post to this board. Obviously they are doing their own thinking and are not being led around by their nostrils by the "fds." Yet, rarely a day passes when either you, no offense, or other posters here voice broad, derogatory, misinformed and/or, pardon again, largely ignorant opinions about all or most JWs. Frankly, I resent it as much as I resent the same unethical and misleading tactics so relentlessly practiced by the WTBTS against their "opposers."
I know you've been hurt by this religion, joelbear, and I do understand. I'll even bet that I can match you hurt for hurt with plenty left over for a rainy day. That's no justification, however, for making this place as objectionable as the KH has become. Surely you and others don't intend to do that. Please be careful.