Wt always said tithes were no longer required, just offerings. Went to a Full Gospel Ch.,,and they preached on BOTH- tithes offerings. Opinons?
Is tithing still required for Christians?
by lighthouse1956 6 Replies latest jw friends
Your post is less than 10% of the white space. Does that indicate a holdover from the stingy JW days?
As Seymour has been arguing recently, some scriptural statements would seem to indicate putting all your cash into the pot and letting the church dispense it, in a form of socialism gone wild.
Tithing was the Jewish system for maintaining the socio-religious security of the country. Chances are you already pay more than a tithe in taxes to your country.
i know that there are christians who personally decide to tithe but whether they do or not is a private matter i.e. a personal decision. I've heard from some that they include their missions support in the tithing. Whatever! It's a personal decision in my experience; perhaps there are churches that have other ideas.
Just shows, there really is freedom away from the borg!!
If contributions continue to dwindle, and the Society is disinclined to sell more real estate to maintain the cash flow, I can easily imagine a series of WT study articles on the beauty and appropriateness of tithing, how it benefited the ancient Israelites, and "even though we are no longer 'under Law', wouldn't it be fine for 'true Christians' to follow their example?"
One of those, "we're not explicitly saying it (like in the QFR about voting), but reading between the lines, here's what a mature Christian would do" type of articles.
I can foresee such an article within the next 5 years. Actually, would probably be a convention talk first.
Bumble Bee
Tithing is still preached here. I've been to two different churches, and both preach on tithing. I've listened to radio programs and watched sermons on TV and heard talks on tithing. So, according to these sources - tithing is still required.
i know that there are christians who personally decide to tithe but whether they do or not is a private matter i.e. a personal decision. I've heard from some that they include their missions support in the tithing. Whatever! It's a personal decision in my experience; perhaps there are churches that have other ideas.
Just shows, there really is freedom away from the borg!!
Ozzie, that's the way it is in my church, too. If you decide to it's your business. If you decide not to it's still your business and noone is going to mention anything about it. The Truth Shall Set You Free
i know that there are christians who personally decide to tithe but whether they do or not is a private matter i.e. a personal decision. I've heard from some that they include their missions support in the tithing. Whatever! It's a personal decision in my experience; perhaps there are churches that have other ideas.
Just shows, there really is freedom away from the borg!!
And this is how it SHOULD be! It is a very private matter. I have a few church friends that argue that your tithe should be 10% of your gross salary and others things that it should be 10% of your net. Who the heck cares? It's none of my business what YOU tithe and it's none of your business with I tithe. What I always try to keep in mind is that scripture that says, "God loves a cheerful giver." If you're giving 90% of your gross salary as a tithe, but you're pissed about it or giving begrudgingly, then STOP DOING IT. God truly is happier with the person giving 1% that has a good attitude about it. It's not about amount, it's about the attitude of the giving that counts.