It is difficult to imagine the frustration of a doctor who wants to help but who is forced to watch a Jehovah's Witness patient bleed to death. A three page article by Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal in the August 1988 issue of Discover magazine ( pp.28 - 31 ) related her feelings and observations as she watched her JW. patient, a Ms. Peyton, die from loss of blood. The patient welcomed every treatment except the one that would save her.
Does the death of this woman, like so many others that go unnoticed by the general public and the rank and file fall under "The Tort of Misrepresentation?" I gues we will have to wait and see.
David A. Reed;s book, "BLOOD ON THE ALTAR" . The story about the ongoing tragedy among Jehovah's Witnesses is a tale that must be told. This book documents the many who have died from loss of blood.
Bluebladesfor those who have suffered in silence.