Is it always wise to forgive and forget?

by James Free 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Free
    James Free

    This is a news story about a molester who is a Witness. What shocks me is the attitude of the rest of the congregation. Haven't they learned anything?? Is it always wise to forgive AND forget?

    'Verse was convicted of adult charges of assaulting four males from 1988 to 1992. He assaulted a 14-year-old when he was 17, a 17-year-old when he was 18, another 14-year-old when he was 19 and a 23-year-old when he was 21.
    Verse's closest friends and congregation members, Marlin Town, 21, and his wife April, 19, bring their 1-year-old daughter, Kalie, with them whenever they spend time with Verse. Both said it never concerned them at all.

    "He's just another brother," April Town said.'

  • calico

    How many people forgive a dog that attacks a child? Usually the dog is put to sleep!

    We can forgive--just DON"T FORGET!

  • greendawn

    He expects to find a wife but it's hard to see how, given that he says the future wife "will have to accept that I will always be attracted to men."

    But if someone does repent then he can and must be forgiven.

  • lisavegas420

    The Kingdom Hall is also where Verse intends to find his wife. With his focus on religion, he is determined not to act on his sexual feelings for men.

    "The homosexual part of my life is nonexistent," Verse said. "A girl I get involved with will have to be very open. I'm going to be attracted to guys forever, and she needs to understand that."



  • unclebruce

    the sign on a farm gate near here: "GOD FORGIVES TRESPASSES BUT I SHOOT THE BASTARDS!"

  • Cellist

    I don't know about the forgive part. Probably healthier to forgive. But when dealing with a sociopath it's much safer to never forget.

    Besides, just how is a person supposed to learn from the past if you're also supposed to forget it.


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