Muslim's View of Missionaries

by ringo5 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ringo5

    I found this quote ironic...

    Remember, the missionary has studied Islamic beliefs for the
    sole purpose to sell Christianity to Muslims. There heart are
    sealed and they are no longer interested in truth. Keep in mind
    that he is not speaking to you in order to exchange ideas, but
    rather to create as much doubt in your mind and lead you away
    from your faith. If you want to learn more about the Quran, do
    so from someone who doesn't have hidden motives. Therefore,
    feel free to simply end the conversation and walk away.

    And many people can't understand how religion can divide people as opposed to finding common ground as humans?

    Here's the link to the whole article, I found it interesting...

  • greendawn

    Moslem missionariies are quite active in seeking to convert Christians to Islam throughout the western world and I hear they are having a lot of success, and surprisingly with many women though Islam sets them in a very secondary position. They are lucky in that there is no law ordering their execution as there is for those converting Moslems in their countries.

  • James Free
    James Free
    There heart are

    sealed and they are no longer interested in truth. Keep in mind

    that he is not speaking to you in order to exchange ideas, but

    rather to create as much doubt in your mind and lead you away

    from your faith.

    I can imagine an Elder saying the same thing about an 'apostate'. But a 'true religion' is not afraid of defending its beliefs.

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