mutant toothed chickens

by peacefulpete 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peacefulpete

    Perhaps you say the story buried deep in todays paper describing the observed mandibular tooth growth in a strain of mutant chickens. For decades scientists have been able to coax chicken embryos into forming teeth by overlaying epidemal tissue from repiltes or mice onto the forming jaws of a chicken embryo. The grafted tissue was not the source of the teeth but was by some unknown mechanism triggering the chickens dormant recessive tooth genes to awake. However for the first time rows of teeth have been observed growing without the aid of an outside foreign tissue trigger. Preliminary suggestions are that this particular chicken mutation strain's unusual jaw alignment is the key. The change in relative position of a tooth growth signalling center to responsive odontogenic tissue in the embryo appears to be the cause. IOW because some ancestral toothed bird populations were slack-jawed as embryos their teeth did not develope.

    Heres a brief summary:tp:// (cut and paste to browser)

    Using a word search you may find the story in a number of media outlets.

  • Gretchen956

    weird. Why would you WANT chickens to have teeth?


  • peacefulpete

    The most recent discovery was by accident. The research is valuable however in determing the whys and whens of bird evolution from toothed protobirds.

  • Gretchen956

    You know I have no doubt that evolution is fact. But I really don't understand why chicken with teeth is exciting. Sometimes I feel like scientist keep on trying to prove evolution over and over and over again. I don't think there is ANYTHING they can discover that will convince someone who believes the earth was made in six silly days.

    Oh well. Hey, this is great. Congratulations! Good work.


  • peacefulpete

    I don't think anyone doing this research is trying to convince Creationists of evolution or anything else. It is the science they are pursuing. The media does however love this stuff because of the headline is makes. I posted it because it is an important matter to face when leaving a Fundamentalist Bible religion.

  • Vidiot

    Anybody heard of the dino-chicken project?

  • EasyPrompt


  • Vidiot
  • EasyPrompt

    You can always tell the "scientists" who grew up watching the Flintstones...


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