We Can Help To Strengthen The Brothers!

by ringo5 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ringo5
    *** w78 8/1 pp. 12-13 A Growing Paradise in Sweden ***


    Generally, Swedes are indifferent toward religion and especially the established churches within the country. Most religious organizations are declining, and one after another now is being passed in numbers by Jehovah’s Witnesses. This increase has caused much surprise. Again and again, representatives of the Lutheran State Church and the so-called free churches in Sweden have stood up and protested: ‘No. It has gone too far now. We must do something to stop them.’ For example, early in 1976, 30 priests and laymen from the Uppsala diocese of the Swedish State Church met to “declare war on Jehovah’s Witnesses,” as a newspaper put it. Among other things, they agreed to prepare and publicly distribute an informative brochure about the Witnesses.

    Over the years, representatives of different churches have published many books and brochures for the purpose of “exposing” Jehovah’s Witnesses as heretics. These publications have been examined by a researcher, who summarizes his impressions as follows: “As a researcher in religion, I have over the years more and more found evidence to support my views that those who are quickest in calling another a ‘heretic’ or ‘false prophet’ are themselves most deserving of such a remark. I feel that it is time to blacklist this type of books which, with a Christian cover, gives a false picture of, for example, Jehovah’s Witnesses.” (Religion och Kultur, No. 4, 1976) Naturally, we are not afraid of this kind of publicity, because we know that it serves to awaken the curiosity of many honest persons.

    The same thing happened with a series of three radio programs broadcast in October 1976. Although we ourselves are not allowed to produce religious radio programs in this country, a Radio Sweden official took the initiative for three programs about us. At first, it appeared that he was not attached to any religious organization and would therefore produce impartial programs. Later, it was discovered that he was a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church, which has 400 members in Sweden. The programs were to be based on recorded parts of our congregational meetings and on interviews with different Witnesses. But, when the recordings were made, it became obvious that the programs would be an attack on us. The brothers interviewed were showered with provocative questions. However, they did not let themselves be provoked. Instead, they answered calmly and factually. After the recordings were made, the tapes were cut and edited by the official so that the programs would give the worst possible impression of us and of our Scriptural views.

    What was the result? Personnel at the Watch Tower Society’s branch office received many letters and telephone calls from listeners throughout the country. These people said that they noticed the difference in spirit between the Witnesses and their attackers and remarked that the ring of truth was on our side. Consequently, in a number of cases, previously opposed relatives of Jehovah’s people have become interested in the Kingdom message. One newspaper writer stated: “The persecution of the Witnesses disturbs me. It makes my heart really sorrowful.” But we ourselves find that persecution is strengthening and that it helps to spread the witness about God’s kingdom. (Acts 8:1-4) Incidentally, in November 1976, the month after the radio programs, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden noted a new peak of 16,693 proclaimers of the “good news”!

    Please Keep Up The Persecution!

  • MerryMagdalene
    those who are quickest in calling another a ‘heretic’ or ‘false prophet’ are themselves most deserving of such a remark.

    Is this statement not far more applicable to Jehovah's Witnesses/the WTBTS themselves than those who try to expose them? Or maybe I'm thinking of some other group that has been very vocal throughout the years in maligning those "not of their sort."


  • theinfamousone

    persecute them to death is what i say!!!

    the infamous one

  • Hellrider
    Generally, Swedes are indifferent toward religion and especially the established churches within the country. Most religious organizations are declining, and one after another now is being passed in numbers by Jehovah’s Witnesses. This increase has caused much surprise

    The swedes never were very smart.

  • greendawn

    What kind of a paradise could the JWs possibly produce given the way they deceive and exploit people and the gross lack of love among them? That article is typical WTS propaganda and nearly 30 years later we can see that they didn't achieve much as the masses realise that they have nothing real to offer.

  • robhic
    Generally, Swedes are indifferent toward religion and especially the established churches within the country. Most religious organizations are declining, ...

    Damn! If only this logic and attitude would catch on in all the other countries! I think the world would be an immensely better place.

    ... and one after another now is being passed in numbers by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    And they were doing so good. Had a "who cares?" attitude towards religions and then the slip and let yet another religion take a foothold.

    Oh well, maybe -- hopefully -- others will see the benefits of a non-religious society. No riots and killings over a cartoon, no social ostracizing by a group for (supposedly) sinful behavior, no more supression of scientific fact and reality because it doesn't jive with dogma and doctrine (this one is getting somewhat better) and all the other mean, violent, deadly, ugly, devisive, illegal and petty things that seem to go hand-in-hand with organized religions.

    How many people would still be alive had it not existed to begin with? How many children would not have been molested? It boggles the imagination.


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