I have been thinking about joining the National Geograghic Genographic DNA project. https://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/index.html
They send you a sample kit for about $100 and then check your DNA to see where you ancestors migrated from. I have always wanted to know from what hunter-gather tribal area my ancestors came from. I have English (Warters), Scotch Burnett), Northern Irish (Wilson) and German (Green) ancestry that I can trace back to around 1800. I believe there is a company called Oxford in England that can even do a DNA test to see if you are related to the 5000 yr old mummy, Iceman, that was found in the Alps about 15 years ago. Three people in the USA have already shown paternity links to his family. Has anyone else thought about this? I could be related to someone from this DB, already. I wonder who?
peace ,