SouthPark and it's close resemblance to...

by MrMoe 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Before I go on vacation - thought I would leave you all with a little project. The following are some of my favorite characters from South Park. Who do these people remind you of? I have put some of my thoughts next to a few of them. There are a bunch of characters I have missed, but feel free to add them. Well, talk to you all when I get back.

    Evil Stan Clone (FredHall?)

    X-mas poo

    Hope - the Jackovasaur (typical JW female?)

    Male Jackovasaur (typical JW male?)

    Jesus, from Jesus and Friends TV Show

    Officer Barbrady (Your Congregation PO?)


    Saddam Hussien


    Terrance (Slayer?)

    Phillip (Bboy?)

    Towelie (Slayer again?)

    Tweek (me, I am such a spaz)

    Underwear Knomes

    Visitors (The REAL God(s)?)

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    hey! Im not a blonde :)

  • joelbear

    I want to be an underwear gnome.

  • MrMoe

    I know u r not blonde, just pretned u are! Anyhow, u are still a nut.

    Joelbar - sure, u can be an underwear knome, now we have two underear knomes left. Any takers on the other two slots?

  • thewiz

    Although I'm not a regular watcher of the show. I prefer to be the Marlon Brando like character from the Island of Dr. Moreau. (I'm getting fatter and balder by the day, not to mention his brillant techincal skills). Can't find an image so I can't provide the link I'm afraid.

  • MrMoe

    thewiz: Ahhhhh, you mean Mephisto

  • SlayerLayer

    Are you implying that I fart a lot and smoke too much weed? LOL I love the Mr. Towelie episode... "Ya'll wanna get high?" "I don't know what's goin on"


  • Englishman


    Where's me and my salty balls?

    Englishman with a tan.

    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • MrMoe

    I don't know if u fart or smoke too much weed, but it just seemed to fit. You always make me laugh.

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    OOOO, can I be the retarded kid in the wheelchair???

    STIFFY!!! STIFFY!!!!


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