by rockhound 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lady Lee
You will have to take the info out of the table and post it to get the formatting correct
I hope he can figure out how to do that. I'd like to see if there is something others may have missed.
Sorry about this one friends. I tried twice to post my material and when I do, it goes all over the place. Anyone have any suggestion?
If you are using Internet Explorer for Windows, you can paste the material in the HTML window then all the formatting goes away and you can reformat it yourself without having it spread all over the place.
Update: I've reformatted the post for you, you can copy and paste it if you want:
I have been doing quite a lot of research on chronology as of late, and the other night I looked up "Nebuchadnezzar" in the Insight book vol. 2 , and also the Watchtower CD . As I read the following quote from A.K. Grayson's (Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles) a Red Flag came on when I saw the date [January-February, 624 B.C.E.] that had been deliberately inserted within Grayson's quotation. I knew that the year 624 B.C.E. inserted here was not a date from Grayson's work.
This was what I found in the Insight book" (High lights mine) under "Nebuchadnezzar"
The inscriptions further show that news of his father’s death brought Nebuchadnezzar back to Babylon, and on the first of Elul (August-September), he ascended the throne. In this his accession year he returned to Hattu, and
"in the month Shebat [January-February, 624 B.C.E.] he took the vast booty of Hattu to Babylon. " (Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, by A. K. Grayson, 1975, p. 100) In 624 B.C.E., in the first official year of his kingship, Nebuchadnezzar again led his forces through Hattu; he captured and sacked the Philistine city of Ashkelon. (See ASHKELON.) During his second, third, and fourth years as king he conducted additional campaigns in Hattu, and evidently in the fourth year he made Judean King Jehoiakim his vassal. (2Ki 24:1) Also, in the fourth year Nebuchadnezzar led his forces to Egypt, and in the ensuing conflict both sides sustained heavy losses.
I decided to check out this Inserted date
with what Grayson had really used in the translation of the babylonian chronicle BM 21946 which is where the above quote came from. Take a look at what I found.
The Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II (ABC 5)
The Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II ("Jerusalem Chronicle"; ABC 5) is one of the historiographical texts from ancient Babylonia. It deals with several subjects, but the reference to the capture of Jerusalem in 597 BCE has received most attention. No less important is the description of Nebuchadnezzar's campaigns against the Egyptians, who had tried to conquer Syria. For a very brief introduction to the literary genre of chronicles, go here. The cuneiform tablet (BM 21946) now is in the British Museum. The text on this webpage was copied from A.K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (1975).
1. In the twenty-first year
2. mustered the
3. And crossed the river to go against the Egyptian army which lay in Karchemiš,
4. ...They] fought with each other and the Egyptian army withdrew before him.
5. He accomplished their defeat and beat them to non-existence. As for the rest of the Egyptian army
6. which had escaped from the defeat so quickly that no weapon had reached them, in the district of Hamath
7. the Babylonian troops overtook and defeated them so that not a single man escaped to his own country.
8. At that time Nebuchadnezzar conquered the whole area of the Hatti-country.
9. For twenty-one years Nabopolassar had been king of Babylon,
10. when on 8 11. and on 1 Ululu [7 September] he sat on the royal throne in Babylon.
12. In the accession year Nebuchadnezzar went back again to the Hatti-land and until the month of
13. marched unopposed through the Hatti-land; in the month of Shabatu he took the heavy tribute of the Hatti-territory to Babylon. 14. In the month of
15. In the first year of Nebuchadnezzar
16. and went to the Hatti-territory, he marched about unopposed in the Hatti-territory until the month of
17. All the kings of the Hatti-land came before him and he received their heavy tribute.
18. He marched to the city of Askelon and captured it in the month of Kislîmu [January 603].
19. He captured its king and plundered it and carried off [spoil from it ...
20. He turned the city into a mound and heaps of ruins and then in the month of Shabatu [February 602] he marched back to Babylon.
21. In the second year
22. ...] he threw down, great siege-towers he [...
23. ...] from the month of Ajaru until the mon[th of ...] he marched about unopposed in the land of Hatti.About four lines missing
Several lines missing
1'. In the third year
2'. [in the month of . . . on the] thirteenth day, Nabusumalisir [...
3'. ...] the king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the Hatti-land.
4'. and brought (back) much [spoil] from the Hatti-land into Akkad.
5'. In the fourth year
6'. In the month of Kislîmu [21 November/19 December 601] he took the lead of his army and marched to Egypt. The king of Egypt heard it and mustered his army.
7'. In open battle they smote the breast of each other and inflicted great havoc on each other. The king of Akkad and his troops turned panic falling on them returned to Babylon.
8'. In the fifth year
9'. In the sixth year
10'. and scouring the desert they took much plunder from the
11'. In the seventh year [598/597 ], the month of Kislîmu [18 December/15 January], the king of Akkad mustered his troops, marched to the Hatti-land,
12'. and besieged the city of Judah and on the second day of the month of Addaru [16 March 597] he seized the city and captured the king [Jehoiachin;
13'. He appointed there a king of his own choice [Zedekiah], received its heavy tribute and sent (them) to Babylon. 14'. In the eight year
15'. ...] in the month of Shabatu [February] the king returned to his own land.
16'. In the nin[th year
17'. the king of El[am ....
18'. the king of Akkad [....
19'. which is on the bank of the Tigris he pitched his camp. While there was still a distance of one day's march between them,
20'. the king of Elam was afraid and, panic falling on him, he returned to his own land.
21'. In the tenth year
22'. ...] with arms he slew many of his own army. His own hand captured his enemy.
23'. [In the month of ...] he marched to the Hatti-land, where kings and [...]-officials
24. came before him and he received their heavy tribute and then returned [to Babylon.]
25. In the eleventh year[605/604; note 1] the king of Akkad [Nabopolassar] stayed in his own land, Nebuchadnezzar his eldest son, the crown-prince,Babylonian army and took command of his troops; he marched to Karchemiš which is on the bank of the Euphrates,Abu [15 August 605] he died; in the month of Ululu Nebuchadnezzar returned to Babylon Shabatu [February 604] Nisannu [April 604] he took the hands of Bêl and the son of Bêl and celebrated the Akitu festival.[604/603] in the month of Simanu [June 604] he mustered his armyKislîmu [December 604].[603/602] in the month of Ajaru [21 April/19 May] the king of Akkad gathered together a powerful army and [marched to the land of Hatti].[602/601] [the king of Akkad l]eft and [...[601/600] the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to the Hatti-land. In the Hatti-land they marched unopposed.[600/599] the king of Akkad stayed in his own land and gathered together his chariots and horses in great numbers.[599/598] in the month of Kislîmu [December] the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to the Hatti-land. From the Hatti-land he sent out his companies,Arabs, their possessions, animals and gods. In the month of Addaru [25 February/26 March 598] the king returned to his own land.note 2].[597/596], the month of Tebetu [January 596] the king of Akkad [marched] to the Hatti-land as far as Karchemiš [...[596/595], the month of . . . . . . the king of] Akkad and his troops [marched along] the bank of the Tigris [...[595/594] the king of Akkad (was) in his own land; from the month of Kislîmu to the month of Tebetu [December-February] there was rebellion in Akkad [...[594/593] in the month of Kislîmu [December 594], the king of Akkad mustered his troops and marched to the Hatti-land.
Note 1:
The date for the first quote should be according to Grayson 604 B.C.E. not 624 B.C.E. ( A 20 year difference)
Now take a look a what I found next:
of Jerusalem. Later, the rebellion of Judean King Jehoiakim against Nebuchadnezzar evidently resulted in a siege being laid against Jerusalem by the Babylonians. It appears that during this siege Jehoiakim died and his son Jehoiachin ascended the throne of Judah. But a mere three months and ten days thereafter the reign of the new king ended when Jehoiachin surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar (in the month of Adar [February-March] during Nebuchadnezzar’s seventh regnal year [ending in Nisan 617 B.C.E.], according to the Babylonian Chronicles ). A cuneiform inscription (British Museum 21946) states : "The seventh year: In the month Kislev the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to Hattu. He encamped against the city of Judah and on the second day of the month Adar he captured the city (and) seized (its) king [Jehoiachin]. A king of his own choice [Zedekiah] he appointed in the city (and) taking the vast tribute he brought it into Babylon." (Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, by A. K. Grayson, 1975, p. 102; PICTURE, Vol. 2, p. 326 ) Along wih Jehoiachin, Nebuchadnezzar took other members of the royal household, court officials, craftsmen, and warriors into Babylonian exile. It was Jehoiachin’s uncle Mattaniah that Nebuchadnezzar made king of Judah, and he changed Mattaniah’s name to Zedekiah.—2Ki 24:11-17; 2Ch 36:5-10; see CHRONOLOGY; JEHOIACHIN; JEHOIAKIMThe BM 21946
is shown above and on lines 11-13 notice the date that Grayson records that this event took place. Grayson's date for Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year is 598/597 B.C.E. Not 617 B.C.E. ( A 20 year difference)The Society has used quotations from a world famous work ( Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles) by A.K Grayson
to clothe their own Watchtower date 624 B.C.E. and 617 B.C.E. with a coat of respectability . I hope that I'm not the only one that finds what was done here very dishonest, to say the least.By placing a false date
within the quotation marks, of anothers work , they mislead and misdirect their readers into believing that a world expert in babylonian chronicles has confirmed these dates,and they are what was actually found written on the BM 21946 , when in fact, these dates are 20 years off of what was actually on the tablet.The Apostates didn't do this one friends!!!
Note 1: The date for the first quote should be according to Grayson 604 B.C.E. not 624 B.C.E. ( A 20 year difference)
HOLY CRAP! Has Grayson (if he`s still alive) been told about this?The BM 21946 is shown above and on lines 11-13 notice the date that Grayson records that this event took place. Grayson's date for Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year is 598/597 B.C.E. Not 617 B.C.E. ( A 20 year difference)
Just when you thought you had found out how dishonest the WTS are, someone comes up with something that just completely blows your socks of...This has got to be one of the worst of all their devious misrepresentations.
Thank you for your help. I was at a loss as to what was needed to fix this.
I just noticed that when I posted A.K. Grayson's translation, the dates and months did not all show up. I will see if I can get it posted the way it shows on his site.
10. when on 8 Abu [15 August 605] he died; in the month of Ululu Nebuchadnezzar returned to Babylon 11. and on 1 Ululu [7 September] he sat on the royal throne in Babylon. 12. In the accession year Nebuchadnezzar went back again to the Hatti-land and until the month of Shabatu [February 604 ] 13. marched unopposed through the Hatti-land; in the month of Shabatu he took the heavy tribute of the Hatti-territory to Babylon. 14. In the month of Nisannu [April 604 ] he took the hands of Bêl and the son of Bêl and celebrated the Akitu festival.
15. In the first year of Nebuchadnezzar [604/603 ] in the month of Simanu [June 604] he mustered his army 16. and went to the Hatti-territory, he marched about unopposed in the Hatti-territory until the month of Kislîmu [December 604 ]. 17. All the kings of the Hatti-land came before him and he received their heavy tribute. ROCKHOUND