WT and the Masons - pt 11
by truth_about_the_truth 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Do the Knights Templar have a copyright or patent on the Cross and Crown emblem? I hardly think so. It is used by many religious groups (besides the Bible Students) that have no connection to the Masons. In my local cemetery is one of the most elaborate monuments there; it was erected to a woman who died in 1894. In addition to other religious motifs also appears the Cross and Crown. She was a devout Episcopalian. For numerous churches that also used the symbol see the article "On the Pyramid a Masonic Symbol." It is written by a Frenchman; although his English is poor, one can decipher the message.
I hardly think so. It is used by many religious groups (besides the Bible Students) that have no connection to the Masons.
It's easy to dismiss these groups that you mention as not having any connection when viewed on the surface. You would be surprised a how far and deep the masonic influence goes when one looks a bit further. Regarding the use of masonic symbols and the Bible Students, if symbology were the only issue in question, there may be room for coincidence but as you can see by the rest of the evidence, there is too much there to ignore. You would literally have to go out of your way to deny the masonic-Russell connection. There is more to come.
Rig Boy
Kenneson is the king of obfuscation. And folks thought that the cross and crown was only used on the pyramid marker in the Allegheny graveyard. Excellent post bro!, Keep up the great work!
Rig Boy
Trinity Broadcasting Network's TV evangelist, Kenneth Copeland uses a Freemasonic symbol in one of his books. Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, Oral Roberts are all high degree Masons who run in the masintream Christian Evangelical community...all profess to be Christians. It's not like we are only picking on Taze Russell here, but for the sake of exposing the J Dub cult we focus on Taze Russell. Many so called Christians get right offended when you ask them if they know that Billy Graham is a 33rd degree freemason. They worship this guy like Catholics worship the Pope. This is not real Christianity...this is idolatry and just plain ignorant and naive.
The fact that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association denies that Billy Graham was ever a Mason is not enough for conspiracy theorists; they claim it's too mild. The fact that a Masonic information source denies that Billy Graham was a Mason is not enough either. As a matter of fact the same source denies Charles Taze Russell was a Mason. But that is not enough either.
Next thing you know they will make a Mason out of me too. Some have already done that with Little Toe, although he has repeatedly denied he is a Mason.
Rig Boy
Former Grand Commander Freemason , Jim Shaw, was initiated while 33rd degree Billy Graham was on hand with another Masonic US president. He wrote about this in his book "The Deadly Deception." Shaw died with his wife under mysterious circumstances. Isn't it strange how anyone who writes a book exposing Masons with good hard evidence is murdered, bought off, or jailed? Springmeier has been sitting in prison for years on trumped up charges, none of which he did.
There really is no denying that all this information is factual and true. It's only fear that causing some to argue or doubt it.
Rig Boy is right, they will quiet those who write or speak out about Masons or the plans, even now.
TATT, thanks for posting this. It's answered a couple of important questions for me. And I'm sure it's helped others open their eyes and see the real truth.