Last year, I put out a bird feeder and filled it with seed. I would frequently watch birds come and go while making breakfast.
During early summer, I passed by the window and spotted a hummingbird hovering near the seed filled feeder, looking around
as if to say, "Where's mine?".
The next day I bought a hummingbird feeder and filled it. Hummingbirds came back day after day during the remainder of the summer.
I'm told that a hummingbird's brain is about as big as a grain of rice. Yet, somehow, it manages to raise young and fly and recognize
bird feeders, in looking for its food. I've experienced a lot of strange little incidents like this one and they only serve to confirm my opinoin
that nearly all controversies about "God" miss the point. Creationism and Intelligent Design and Evolution talk about a creation that
took place eons ago, apart from our examination. "God" seems to be on a vacation, if he exists at all and the world is interpreted
as a sort of clockwork, wound up and needing no day to day intervention.
We take too much for granted in explaining away the wonders of the world around us. We toss around 'genetic code' like a
metaphorical landfill to "explain" away and pigeonhole everyday miracles. We insist on trying to reduce complex behavior into
lesser causes that can't 'carry the load'.
To me the world 'works' because for all intents and purposes, the universe is "God", with consciousness and adaptive intelligence
distributed throughout it. I have no doubt that life will eventually be found on Mars and elsewhere, not because organic molecules
thwack into each other and accidentally produce single cells, but because life is something the universe makes, just like atoms
or photons or the maintainence of existing physical 'laws'. Individual minds function because they are tapped into the consciousness
of this universe, like a television receiving pictures and sound ( rather than originating them). Consciousness is a primary phenomena,
intermingled with the quantum world and we do not exist apart from it.
To me, this is a synthesis of all the competing ideas about evolution and creation .... and it is the most compelling.