Ok. I read somewhere on this site something about those who don't know about JWs fearing them so i thought,as someone who has always been 'worldly' I'd share what we really think of JWs.
First of all we do not fear you, we fear your visits. Basically you're ANNOYING!
Picture this; There you are happily going about your daily activities skipping joyeusly around your livingroom minding your own buisness and hark!, what's this? A knock at the door!
Your heart jumps into your throat and your mind starts racing through all the possible options of who it might be.' Perhaps the UPS man has come to give me an unexpected package, or one of my friends is stopping by as a surprise. Or maaaaaaaybeeeeee I've won the publishers clearing house sweepstakes and it's Ed Mcmahen with my Million dollar check in all it's oversized cardboard glory.' And you rush to the door in great anticipation. And you slowly open the door.' whoisit?whoisit?whoisiiiiittt? Oh...it's you.'
There standing infront of me are two uninvited total stangers shoving their muddily colorful pamphlets in my face spouting about the evil of the world and how i can have enternal life blah blah blah. And you won't stop and no matter how politely i try to get you to leave you use these attempts to continue your quest to convert me and you engergiser bunny your way on, you just keep going and going and going and going and after a while i have completely toned you out and am now fixated on a piece of lint hanging off your jcket colar mentally rolling my eyes. Finnally my eyes start darting around looking for ANY way out and seriously contemplating just ambandoning my house and barreling though you, running down the street tearing my clothes off and yelling 'leave me alooooone! just LEAVE ME ALOOOOONEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! But i chose instead to rudely state 'Shut up!' and slam the door in your face leaving you with another excuse to beleive that all worldly people are drug ridden, promiscuous sluts with flimsly or non exhistant morals and you go on your merry way happy in the knowledge that they'll all be dead and burning at armagedon soon anyway.
Just to give an outside perspective since i don't think many people involved themselvs in the affars of JW and ex-JWs lives unless they themselvs belong to those groups.
As for fear of JWs i must admit learning MORE about the religion leaves me more nervouse of them than in my ignorance knowing that the religion lends itself to a very odd mentality from an outside perspective.