Are they murderers and slayers of men?
Examine their policies and decide for yourself:
1. Disfellowshipping - how many JW's have committed suicide over this policy?
2. Changing doctrines regarding the medical use of blood and organ transplants - how many JW's have died for adhering to policies that later were changed allowing the use of banned products and/or procedures?
Unfortunately, any time I broached this subject with individual JW's whose families had not been impacted by changing Governing Body policies the response always was, "They were being faithful to Jehovah and he'll ressurect them anyway."
Why kind of thinking and attitude does this portray?
What if the Watchtower Society is dead wrong and the soul/spirit survives physical death (as it does for the so-called JW annointed of 144,000).
Unless those people who died had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior they are going to spend an eternity without Him.
Do you want to be associated with a group of men that claims to speak for and do God's will, yet enforce policies that are suspect at best and may have caused the premature deaths of uncountable men, women and children?