Has anyone read this? And what did you think about it?
"The Historian"
by jt stumbler 4 Replies latest social entertainment
If you mean the book by Elizabeth Kostova - yes I read it - twice now. I love it!
I don't typically read "vampire" novels - but this was an excellent book. A bit hard to follow who was driving the narrative at times - you get 3 layers in as far as people telling the story via someone else's journal via yet someone's elses journal.
But if you can keep who's talking straight - I think it can really be enjoyed. I also like the way the author described all of the foreign locals visited by the characters in the book. It almost made me feel like I'd seen them too...
Have you read it? Or am I totally off on what book I thought you were referring to?
jt stumbler
Have you read it?
I'm about 3/4 of the way through. I agree, I don't usually read vampire books either. I bought it for my wife but she was kinda turned off by the detail of the landscape and such. So needing something to read, I gave it a shot. Got a little confused as well with who was narrating what. A little boring in the middle, but it seems to be culminating into something good. I hope..
Hopefully you will like how it ends. I thought it was well done. I actually found that I liked the book better the second time through - I noticed nuances that I hadn't before.
Plus because you know how it ends - certain things make more sense - lots of "Ah Hah!" moments.
jt stumbler
Thanks Jamelle,
I dont know why but I think Rossi is dracula. I looking forward to a good Ah HA!