Can questions or opinions presented as such, be lies?

by DavidChristopher 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DavidChristopher

    I have been accused many times lately for telling and believing lies.

    All I think I am doing is asking questions and letting my opinions be known. IMO

    Any thoughts?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I'm not sure if there's enough info in your post for us to give much feedback. Can you give any examples (real or made-up ones)?

    You've given your opinion and been accused of lying?

    If somebody asks your opinion, they can't possibly call you a liar for giving it - you are simply presenting them with what is the truth for you at that time. If you are stating your opinion without being asked for it, again, it is the truth for you but maybe not for the hearer so now, in their view, you would be a liar, trying to 'impose' your 'false' opinions on them.

    As for you believing lies, if you want to believe what others see as lies, that's your final call, not theirs - although you must also consider whether they have concern for your welbeing and safety in mind. Perhaps they have a bigger picture of the situations than you do.

    What's important is that you are comfortable with what you believe to be true and humble enough to admit if you make the wrong choices.

    As for questions, I don't see how this relates to lying except possibly, the way you ask questions - does it sound like they are 'loaded', trying to force a particular answer that you want to hear?

    I'm probably not much help here but hope it'll spur some more input!

  • DavidChristopher

    I see alot of people stating their opinions as facts, then when you question them how they come up with them they get upset. Why would they do that?

  • cosmic

    I am assuming that you are speaking of people on this board as opposed to people in general. With this assumption in mind, the answer to your question is that most people on this board either were taught how to think by the WTS, or had their thinking processes altered by the same. Therefore, we tend to look for singular answers, the blinders we had were, in certain aspects comfortable, and still can be, so we use them in our "new" lives. It becomes a WTS version of Political Correctness, where certain words must be avoided, certain lines of thought suspect, and so on. One person on this board made a comment of how he had reacted at simply picking up a cross lying on the ground and how much that reaction bothered him because he had felt that he was "out"; but, we seem to forget that at one time the WTS and its doctrine was THE most important thing in our lives. Even if it was because it was the most important thing in our parents lives. Its hard to get over that. An interesting parallel would be the ex-slaves of the post Civil War era in the US. These people had been property all their lives, and then suddenly, bing, they were "free". To do what? Go to Washington to see "Marse Lincoln", and get their "40 acres and a mule"? It took generations to "get over it". Another good example would be the soldiers who returned from Viet Nam. Because of the F'ed up way the US military thought at the time, it was very, very common for a guy, on monday, to be sweating his ass off in a jungle located almost on the equator, with a squad of bad-assed buddies all armed to the teeth, ready, and willing to kill or be killed at any instant 24/7. Then, by wedensday, this same guy would be out, unemployed, and freezing his ass off in downtown Detroit. Talk about a mind f**k.

  • DavidChristopher

    I was in no way directing this towards the members here! No way I can relate to 15 + years getting all the GB opinions forced down my throat as facts, telling me I was a evil sinner, doomed by my weakness to abide by all their stupid rules, and opinions about how I should live my life as a sacrifice to please God.

    No way brother...I can relate very well here.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I see alot of people stating their opinions as facts, then when you question them how they come up with them they get upset. Why would they do that?

    Assuming the word 'upset' is here meaning annoyed/angry, most of the folks I've come accross who do this either: 1. Don't actually know themselves why they hold a particular POV so they can only react in a defensive manner - 'don't ask stupid questions, just believe it because I do!' 2. Have their heads stuck so far up their own butts that they think they are all-knowing and don't need presenting with any other POV - 'don't ask stupid questions. You must know I'm always right, just believe it because I do!' Even if their view is correct, they should still be able to give reasonable explanation as to why it is, otherwise you have no reason to believe them (unless they are really stating the obvious of course!) As a little aside:

    opinions forced down my throat as facts, telling me I was a evil sinner, doomed by my weakness to abide by all their stupid rules, and opinions about how I should live my life as a sacrifice to please God.

    That's got to be one of the closest descriptions of my RC upbringing I ever read on here

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Sometimes a person can be accused of telling lies and believing lies because of the way they present themself. If you become anxious and worked up you look to be someone who is haughty and arrogent.
    I have found out through expierance that getting worked up and trying to prove your point to people simply dosn't work, especially with JWs. You really have to take the higher ground, which can be a very difficult thing to do.
    Instead of saying that "I think the Watchtower lied here" or that kind of stuff I like to instead bring out the points that bother me very calmly and reasonably, and then say that to me they just don't seem to add up. I do it with such tact that people usually follow what I am saying and take to it very well. I learned this early on. I had a few instances where i went to far and could tell that they may have felt that I was making up stuff or had been eaisly pursuaded by lies.
    I don't know anything about you, so none of this could apply to you, but this was my expierance. I thought it was along the same lines.


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