"Whoever fights Monsters..."

by rubberducky 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • rubberducky

    “Whoever fights monsters...”

    There is a quote that has been alluded to at times in the threads about pedophilia and blood and the WT Society’s attempts at spin doctoring and revisionism. I felt it would be useful to read the whole quote as contained in Bartlett. It is from Nietzsche’s “Human, All To Human”:

    “Whoever fights Monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a Monster. And when you look long into an Abyss, the Abyss also looks into you.”

    Anyone who abuses a child is a Monster. And any one who covers-up and protects such a Monster is one by association. Those who ‘spin doctor’ the death of children into an event of faith and obedience are Monsters of the first order also.

    Anger against such Monsters is, to use Nietzsche’s title, ‘human, all to human’. Such anger, as has been pointed out in some recent threads, can be very positive – helping to spur people to take action. Yet uncontrolled anger can metamorphose into hate. And hate is a very corrosive emotion that can damage the ‘Hater’ as much as the ‘Hatee’.

    IMHO this is the Abyss that Nietzsche is warning against, allowing hatred of the Monster to overwhelm us.

    Interestingly, a footnote to the above quote in ‘Bartlett’ referred to a Walt Kelly 1970 Pogo cartoon (a favorite of mine) that had this caption:

    “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

    I hope that none of us are drawn into that Abyss and become our own enemy.

    My ‘Quack’ for the day.

  • patio34

    Hi RubberDucky,

    It's nice to have you at this board. Everyone has a new slant on things and stimulates our conversation.

    Thanks for the complete reference to the monster quote. I didn't know what the complete quote was.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    The way you explain the quote is exactly the way I read in these threads.

    I don't get any different slant, therefore, but I want to warmly welcome you to the board.

    Good reminder, at any rate. RubberDucky, you're the one.

  • Kent

    Hi rubberducky;

    Quite a few interesting points, and as far as I know, they are dangerously valid as well.

    The statement “We have met the enemy and he is us.” is something I've heard many times. And in some respects it's actually true as well. Tragic, isn't it?

    But it's a way from there to the Abyss....

    Yakki Da


    I need mor BOE letters and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • SixofNine

    If you are a pedophile, reveal your whereabouts and let me cut your head off with an axe. If you are not a pedophile, welcome to the board! I agree with each and every word you said.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Two generations ago, the world fought a monster called the Nazis.

    How much anger, precisely, would have been the correct amount of anger for a victim of the Nazis to hold on to?

    I'm not saying that the Nazis and the Watchtower are equivalent. The Nazis, after all, killed children, made people subject to insane medical "experimentation," hated their enemies and were supervised by a ruling class that was degenerate and abusive.

    There is also a saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes, isn't there?

    "I don't believe in the Trooth Fairy anymore."

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