Not sure if anyone saw this but I just came across a petition that already has a good amount of followers.
Just thought I'd share! Not sure if anyone else has seen it.
by thedepressedsoul 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Not sure if anyone saw this but I just came across a petition that already has a good amount of followers.
Just thought I'd share! Not sure if anyone else has seen it.
If you sign this petition, why not also write to Representative Jackie Speier and your Congressional Representatives to revise the U.S. Tax Code as written about in . The proposed bill would encourage tax-exempt organizations to pro-actively protect children from sexual abuse and prohibit them from using undue influence, which would include promoting acts of shunning.
Suspending an organization's tax-exempt status for non-compliance means a lot to organizations like the WTBTS.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
This made for an interesting read. However the WTB&T$ will never admit to those accusations. The claim is, "We in no way deny anyone the "freedom" of choice. There will be consequences for those choices though."
Never have they denied anyone the choice of leaving. They do not even deny still in family members the choice to associate with ones who leave the church. They also do not deny the "choice" of "good" JDubya's to have nothing to do with someone who has left. That is their get out of jail free card. They will never claim or admit to promotion of shunning. They just strongly encourage the "sheep" to do so, all the while claiming that it is the R&F who make that choice. That absolves them of responsibility for the actions of the amah-arets. Just like it was the R&F who "ran ahead" and assumed that the Big A was coming in 1975.