annointed as faithfull dicreet slave

by ajie 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ajie

    I no its a subject thats been through the mills quite a few times but can anyone tell me when the idea that the body of annointed brothers made up the faithfull and discreet slave and not russle alone,any watchtower quotes to back it up. thanks.

  • Legolas

    I believe it was in 1919 after the so called 'judging' when Christ appointed the org to the position of manager of all Christ's earthly interests.

    1919 "So by 1919 Babylon the Great had fallen" [and The Bible Student / Watchtower movement chosen by Christ to be only "channel" of communication from God to men] {REVE 260} [still current doctrine]

    1919 "TIME OF INSPECTION BY THE SLAVE'S MASTER .. Without a question of doubt, it was a real time for inspection of the Master's 'slave' class. All the facts of the case argue that the Master came for the work of inspection at the time. Such a thing was to be expected according to the prophecy of Malachi 3:1-5. Of course, the sectarian churches of Christendom had made a wartime record for themselves, an open record that had a heavy bearing on their claim to be disciples and slaves of Jesus Christ. Could they, by even their latest record down till 1919, prove that they themselves were the composite 'faithful and discreet slave' class of the heavenly Lord and Master, Jesus Christ? He as Judge would indicate what his findings were by the way he thereafter dealt with the hundreds of religious sects of Christendom." {GKTY 349}

    1919 "There would, however, be a further application of Joel 2:28-32. Indeed, this prophecy has had remarkable fulfillment since September 1919. At that time a memorable convention of Jehovah's people was held in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. God's spirit was clearly manifest, and his anointed servants were stimulated to embark on the global witnessing campaign that extends into the present day." {WT May 1 1992 13}

    1919 "Even years ago it was known by some people that the use of pacifiers by babies is one of the chief causes of diseased and enlarged tonsils and adenoid growths, which results from the suction." {GA Nov 26 1919 153}

    1919 "Is not the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the one and only channel which the Lord has used in dispensing his truth continually since the beginning of the harvest period?" {WT Apr 1 1919 6414}

  • Legolas
  • greendawn

    Russell believed from 1896 that he was the FDS and the JWs accepted this up to around 1930 when they began to think that the entire organisation was the FDS though in practice it was only Rutherford that had teaching authority and formulated all doctrine without consulting anyone.

    By around 1950 the doctrine was formed that only the so called annointed (faithful remanent) were the FDS though again in practice it was only Franz and Knorr that had teaching authority until the 1970's when the GB received teaching authority despite Franz's opposition. And once more the 10-20 member GB completely ignored the other 8000 "annointed", monopolising all teaching authority.


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