Special Colporteur Bulletin
from Winter 1928
(with somewhat racist comments)
This is a very interesting bulletin that reveals how much the Watchtower was a sales corporation and how the colporteurs (full-time traveling "pioneers") were to follow Rutherford's suggestions on how to get the last dime out of the householder. These guys were like fuller brush salesmen, only much more aggressive! Especially read pages 9-11, which reveals their tactics, and talks about trading chickens, etc. for literature and how to keep perishables in the car, etc. On the latter part of page 9, it also contains this message:
"All the colporteurs recommend that the colored people not be overlooked. On this point the brother last quoted has a few very valuable suggestions.
" 'If I find colored people in my work, I canvass them as they come. I usually inquire of them on the subject of employment. They are not the best territory, by any means, and some colporteurs who sell well skip the colored people as a rule. Inquiry as to employment will reveal that the colored people have employment somewhere the whole year round.' "
Check it out, it's a hoot!