Been quiet under the "FRIENDS" area lately

by Cabin in the woods 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    How is everyone doing? It is getting better weather in some areas so I am certain that this is why things have quieted down. I am hopefully going to meet another member of this forum and his wife this week end and am very, excited.

    Aside from the weather being cold, snowy and just annoying there is not any news on the mountain but how about the rest of you?

    Anyone else in New England area up for a meet up sometime?

    Have a good one.

    Mary in the cabin

  • wanda

    I posted twice there but the website doesn't let it show for some reason. It's frozen in appearance back several days in time. Could someone tell the website operator please?

  • Crumpet

    Are you using the active topics button? if you click this everytime you log on then all new topics appear.

  • anewme

    Hey Cabin in the woods Mary, how are you doing? Are you feeling better now that you have found JWD?
    It sure changed my lonely experience up here in my cabin! Here we get no t.v. but one channel (thank God) and very little radio reception, no cell phones work and no DSL, no stores, no mail,no neighbors. To be honest the only person that visits is the electric meter reader once a month and he just announced the company will be going remote anyday and will no longer need to visit. So imagine my joy over finding this wonderful site?

    How about you?

    Anewme (of the cant talk to the turkeys all day class)

  • delilah

    Hi Cabin Mary...I thought it was awful quiet as well. Then tonight I see there are 8 pages that were not coming up on my computer....crazy eh? I have a lot of reading to catch up on.

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