This post is for those who are wanting to fade, going through their "doubts" and wanting to tell their significant others about where they stand on the JW issue.
There is no doubt that the finest time in any male-female relationship is the dating stage. The both of you are full of infatuation for each other, and the excitement of just being together puts you in a pleasant mood.
Now, years later, you have settled down, have children, and have fallen into many routines. It almost seems as if there's no time for the two of you to spend time with each other.
What I'm going to suggest is, before you tell your S/O how you're feeling about the "truth", try re-establishing those feelings that you once had before you take that major step. Think back to the days where you were just dating and in the early stages of your relationship. What activities did you do on your dates? Did you tease them? Flirt with them? What made you stop? Why did you stop?
Take your S/O back down the path of memory lane. Begin to treat them as if you're dating them all over again. Take them to the places you went when you first dated. Do things that young couples in love do: Feed ducks, go rollerskating, have a tickle / pillow fight, in other words try and re-establish the youth that the both of you embraced when you first started dating.
This will help improve your relationship and gives your S/O positive feelings about you. Natural love is much stronger than controlled love. You just have to elevate that natural love and make it much more valuable and precious than the controlled love.
When you finally tell your S/O about your feelings about the JW religion, they will still be upset, but they will have much more respect and love for you than if you did it while your relationship was feeling a bit stale.
Afterwards, continue doing these fun and exciting activities with your S/O. You need to continue bringing out the best in them. This will help them see that you're not the vile and horrible person that the WTS has warned them about. They may even be a bit more open to hearing about your "doubts".
In summary, strengthen your relationship before you make a change that could potentionally destroy it. If your relationship is strong, there will be less damage done to it.