I've made some progress with speaking to mum and stepdad regarding the JW Org. I think i'm making good progress because yesterday i sat down and said to mum something along the lines of...
"Listen, i understand if you don't want to look at what i present to you regarding your faith, but you must wonder why i no longer go to the Kingdom Hall even though i had a lot of goals as a Witness and things were working out for me, i was an unbaptized publisher, i had given talks from the platform and someday i wanted to be an elder. Why do you think now i go to church?. Mum all i want to do is show you what wall i hit that honestly made me consider my position and change faith. If you presented me with conclusive evidence regarding my beliefs i would have no choice but to change my beliefs and go seek the truth once more wherever it is".
I then went on to credit how the JW's did help us as a family and were genuine in their efforts and i honestly meant it but i also explained how i felt she needed to see what i wanted to show her to clear my conscience and my responsibility of helping her. The same as she feels she wants to help me.
Also described how i was grateful for the opportunities i had because of the Witnesses and how my Bible knowledge is down to them.
For the first time i didn't just sit down to throw facts at her and made more progress than ever. She has agreed to sit down and look at what i present to her without arguing or me shouting either. We will not argue but rather discuss!
I owe you guys here a lot for helping me to get to this point, whether by seeing how others go through what i go through or by other peoples successes.