I've been asked to speak at what I believe is the first walk in Canada to Stop the Silence and stop Sexual Abuse in Toronto at Nathan Phillips Square on May 21. Info below and attached. Please pass on to those you think would be interested in the walk!
I told her it's about time we surivors/friends and family of show our strenght, our numbers and that we're not going to be silenced anymore!!!
Joanne Vannicole is producing an event and a walk on May 21 to raise awareness around children and abuse.
Website - www.youth-out-loud.org
---- Original Message -----
From: joanne
To: Donald D'Haene
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: Walk to Stop Silence-Joanne Vannicola
Hey Donald,
Not sure if you have had a chance to browse my web site or look at the Walk pages but I have been planning this Walk for a bit. It is going to be on May 21st at Nathan Phillips Square. There will be a one hour event with performers and speakers before the 4-K walk begins. THe event starts at noon. I am asking people to keep their speeches under five minutes. I am doing this because it is in my heart to be actively involved in doing whatever I can to end child sexual abuse.I am filled up-sick of the continual brutalization of our youth. I remember seeing the documentary about your life and your experience. You are a brave man. Good for you. The line up is getting full, but it would be great if you wanted to join us on the day and speak for a few minutes. ...bring some people, register, pledge-walk and be loud with us. : ) I have invited youth to make art in the square and will also have a tent with youth writing and art displayed. Registration forms and pledge forms are available to print out from the website. Proceeds will be going to Youth Out Loud, Toronto Child Abuse Centre and Central Toronto Youth Services. It is the first walk specifically to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and that is really important to me. It is also the first year, so I have no idea what the turn out will be like. Joanne Vannicola, DirectorYouth Out Loud& The Walk To Stop The Silence Stop Child Sexual Abuse!http://www.youth-out-loud.org
1st Walk To Stop The Silence Stop Abuse Toronto May 21!
by morrisamb 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I'm not in Canada, yet will spread the news.
I'll also email Andrew Vachss that writes about this subject in the PARADE magazine that is part of the Sunday newspapers in most of the USA. I have a feeling though that he may already have the story in mind and it will be featured as one of his articles, as April is Child Abuse Awareness month.
Lady Lee
My first three abusers were in Toronto. It was on the Toronto Court house steps only minutes after my father was convicted of sexual abuse (and fined $50 and a 3 yr suspended sentence before being released) that he approached me and said if he ever saw me again he would kill me.
I would love to be there for this. if not this year maybe next.
If I can be there, I will. I'm only 1 1/2 hours from Toronto.
Thanks Skally, Lady Lee and Kwin. I just found out some more info...I can't believe I've never heard of this...Have you? Michael C. Irving, Ph.D., Artistic Director of The Child Abuse Survivor Monument Project, has been committed to creating a National Monument Addressing Child Abuse since 1990. That the sculpting of the Monument is completed, yet it is not cast in bronze. Their current campaign is focussing on casting the bronze figures of the Monument. They are still accepting HandPrints for inclusion in the Monument. Here are some examples of hand prints from children. http://www.irvingstudios.com/child_abuse_survivor_monument/GiveUsAHand.htm The walk will increase attention to his project besides uniting survivors from across Canada and those who support us!
I've heard from a lot of people already...Looks like we're going to have a good group!
Wondered if you could take the info following and let anyone who might be in the area know they are welcome to participate! Let's stand up and make a difference!The first National Walk/March To Stop The Silence/Stop Child Sexual Abuse will take place in Toronto:
May 21, noon Sun., at Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto, Canada.
Joanne Vannicola [email protected]
Youth Out Loud
& The Walk To Stop The Silence
Stop Child Sexual Abuse!
http://www.youth-out-loud.org 416-406-0992
I'll be a speaker (author of Father's Touch - fatherstouch.com); others speaking include a young Muslim woman who goes to the University of Toronto and works/volunteers in the Sexual Assault centre. Also Dr. Michael Irving who is currently creating the largest bronze monument ever to be unveiled in commemoration of sexual abuse survivors. It will be unveiled at the ACC centre at a future date! -
UPDATE: from Joanne, the organizer: It's good to let people know that it a walk... and not a march,. there is a difference. It is also a fundraiser and an event with music, art speakers and tables. So...a four hour day really. Important that people know they must register. Just a reminder. It is a one day event all in all with a 4-k walk to rasie money too. Important that people know the facts. Thanks Donald.