I have just watched Wolf Creek

by Es 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    Just finished watching it, and im ashamed to say that i am di-sensitised to violence .

    I heard so many things bout the movie, and how people were walking out of the cinema because it was so horrific.....yes it was violent but i thought it would be ten times worse.

    has anyone else seen the movie


  • unclebruce

    Travel Advisory for South Australian Outback

    G'day es,

    I haven't seen the film but as a South Australian born & bred, I have to tell you that the SA /NT outback is a very dangerous place. I spent a lot of time their pioneering and later working on railway gangs (half of whom were jail escapees and the like. The area is full of very hard tough men. Woomera is full of US, British and Australian servicemen (this is where intercontinental ballistic misiles and a lot of other classified military equipment is developed). Miners and cattlemen are generally the toughest boys. They don't like “suits”. The best way to get beat to a pulp is to rock up in the Oodnadatta pub wearing a suit and a posh Adelaide accent. There they judge a man by his character not by his money.
    A small example: When I was there, the local police were deemed too slow at investigating a feud between opal miners and a passing biker gang (commancheros?) . Two car loads of Police were sent from “down south” and while they were enjoying the hospitality of the pub there was an almighty explosion outside which blew their posh shiny new commodores from here to kingdom come.

    Never mess with S.A. miners people .. they might decide to use the gelignite solution. And they're the sane ones, it's the lunatics who'll think nothing of bullying you up to 100mph then wipe you off the road you've gotta watch. A lot of Australians travel through there blissfully unaware and the tourist information service has no interest in informing them.
    Adelaide isn't imune either. It rightly prides itself on being the most civilised and sophisticated city in Australia.
    It was the second place in the world to give women the vote and pioneered many other social reforms. No convicts ever set foot there either, yet it has a dark underbelly of bizarre / multiple murder. Trust me wolf creek is real. People disappear out there all the time.
    take care, sleep tight lol, unclebruce


  • Es

    Oh I so believe its a true stroy or based on a true story it wasnt that at all.

    It was more the fact that i had heard it was so graphic that people were walking out of the cinemas....what i was saying was that it did not hardly effect me at all. Yes the story line is shocking, and it does make you bloody scarred to backpack places like that. I guess i expected it to be worse. Which sounds totally disgusting


  • unclebruce

    hey es,

    Sorry if I stuffed up your thread with my travel advisory lol. I haven't seen the film. I only like comedic violence really (bud spencer, terrance hill, spaggetti westerns or the English show "bottom"). I did mix with some tough guys for a while and got involved in some serious fights but I was very lucky (and fast and flexible lol.)

    I'll tell ya about a typical SA pub fight if you want? I think I posted this before. Two out of six of us were JW's in good standing so it'd be 'on topic' lol.


  • Es

    You didnt stuff it up at all Unclebruce....and yeah do tell bout the fight.


  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien

    I didn't find it scary. Just really harsh, that chick screaming was almost too much. I liked it though but thought it was a bad move trying to pass it off as a true story.

  • Es

    Yeah your right the woman screaming was bout the most horrific point of the movie. I liked the movie dont know if liked is the right word it def stayed in my mind all night


  • stillAwitness

    To me the so called "scary" movies nowadays are just about being really graphic and gory and Wolf Creek was pretty big on that. The guy being nailed to the wall? I'm thinking okay was that really necessary.

    A date took me to see it and you know how guys are: "whoo-ho; that was awesome!" What a douchebag.

    Overall, I did not like it. I am sensitive to that kind of stuff. Anyone seen Hostel or Saw 2? Much worse but same premise though Hostel was just a class all its own

  • Undecided

    There is a place called Wolf Creek about 8 miles from where I live. My brother lived there for several years. There is a golf course there which is named Wolf Creek golf course. Very nice area. It gets it's name from the creek that runs through the place. Haven't seen or even heard of the movie, not much of a movie freak anymore. When I was a kid my dad was a projectionist and I saw all the movies from the 40s and 50s. Don't go anymore, too expensive for me now.

    Ken P.

  • Es

    Hey undecided, its an Aussie movie, Wolf Creek is some where near Broome, Darwin.


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