Fiancee is coming
by ajsmama 4 Replies latest jw friends
Let me guess. He's coming to visit us here on JWD? Welcome!
Is he joining JWD?
If so, cool!
Welcome ajsdaddy!!
I think I did that last post wrong.
I meant to say that I got mt D'Fd fiance to come to this board. He will probably come in the next day or to and register, most likley, as ajspapi.
To refresh, i was never part of the org. , he got kicked out cuz of me, we just had a baby, his family is completley not accepting of me or the little guy, I love him DEEPLY and am worried he may want to go back to the JW's to atone with his family, which would completly destroy us.
I am also worried he has alot of repressed feelings regarding his shunning and family, and dont want these things to come out later in life.
I know all of you will be welcoming and kind(even if he uses bad grammar too!) And please show him the true nature of this cult so he will hopefully never think about going back!
Thanks, Christine
Wilco Christine!
"uses bad grammar". Well I hope your little guys got a good Grammar to compensate: