BOM: Donations are an "obligation" - Humanitarian Aid only as last resort

by Elsewhere 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    A visitor to my website pointed out these two jewels...

    Branch Organization Manual - p22-7

    59. If your country is one where the income of the brothers is low, they may be limited in what they can do, but at the same time we do not want the brothers to leave the responsibility for caring for the expenses entirely to brothers in other countries. It is just a matter of proper education, patience, and time. If they are never told and the branch just goes ahead and pays all of the expenses, they will not come to appreciate their obligation and privilege. Just as we have to instruct the brothers in the congregation as to the need to cover Kingdom Hall expenses, so we have the privilege of helping them understand how the expenses of the branch organization and special pioneers and circuit and district overseers can be covered with their help. So it starts in the congregation. If the congregation is informed each month of their income and their expenditures so they can meet their obligations as a congregation in God’s organization should, then they can also be helped to see how they can have a share also in expanding the Kingdom work throughout the branch territory by their contributions.

    ALSO: Branches offer Humanitarian Aid... but only as a last resort and only for people who are "deserving"... also no one in the congregations should be told about this arrangement and any aid that is provided should be kept strictly confidential...... this is in harmony with the generosity and kindness shown by the first-century congregation.

    Branch Organization Manual - p1-9

    90. HUMANITARIAN AID: In addition to major disasters, many of our faithful brothers suffer medical problems beyond their financial needs. As you are aware, Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, pages 122 and 123, shows the first responsibility for such matters rests on the family of the individual, although at times material and other assistance is available through the congregation or through governmental or social agencies. When the individuals have exhausted such possibilities, the branches occasionally get pleas for assistance in connection with the necessities of life to help them obtain critical medications or with the cost of an operation. If the Branch Committee feels it is appropriate to assist financially in certain deserving cases because of lack of other support, it is left to the discretion of the committee to handle such matters, even up to US$1,000. Any request for humanitarian aid covering medical purposes beyond that should be referred to the Publishing Committee with an explanation and recommendation. Branch Committees will need to handle such matters with discretion and confidentiality so that the provision is not abused. Generally, this arrangement should be the exception rather than the rule. This information is not for publication to the congregations. However, if a congregation initiates a request for help from the branch, you may act upon it. This is in harmony with the generosity and kindness shown by the first-century congregation.—Rom. 12:13.

  • LDH
    so we have the privilege of helping them understand how the expenses of the branch organization and special pioneers and circuit and district overseers can be covered with their help.

    I will send $50 to the first person here who can explain how this is a 'privilege.'

    JWs use words so wastefully.

    the branches occasionally get pleas for assistance in connection with the necessities of life to help them obtain critical medications or with the cost of an operation.

    Translation: If you're a high profile case and you can be a martyr for Jehovah, we may be able to scrounge up enough for 8 Extra Strength Tylenol.


  • serendipity
    how the expenses of the branch organization and special pioneers and circuit and district overseers can be covered with their help. So it starts in the congregation.

    There are accounts reports in the cong, but there are none for the branches. All we get is a total $ amount that the fulltime work costs in the annual service report.

  • Mary
    Any request for humanitarian aid covering medical purposes beyond that should be referred to the Publishing Committee with an explanation and recommendation. Branch Committees will need to handle such matters with discretion and confidentiality so that the provision is not abused.

    Wow..........can you FEEEEEEL the looove in this statement??

    Generally, this arrangement should be the exception rather than the rule. This information is not for publication to the congregations .

    Ya, I'll bet they didn't want this to be pubic knowledge. This penny-pinching attitude might not fit in too well with the "Christian" and "caring" attitude they like to fake. How pathetic.

    However, if a congregation initiates a request for help from the branch, you may act upon it. This is in harmony with the generosity and kindness shown by the first-century congregation.—Rom. 12:13.

    Funny, but on the WT CD-ROM, the reference to the scripture in Romans 12: 13 says:

    *** Marginals *** (1 John 3:17) But whoever has this world’s means for supporting life and beholds his brother having need and yet shuts the door of his tender compassions upon him, in what way does the love of God remain in him?

  • candidlynuts

    so here we see why during the outpouring of donations after katrina the branches felt the need to ask the brothers to specify on their check that their donation was " for the worldwide work" not to put " katrina relief" On the checks.

    simply because the branches already knew they wouldnt use that money for aid.

    did you notice above the amount that might be generously given for medical procedures? Up to 1000 dollars? what will that pay for? a bandaid and a pat on the head?

  • Beta Male
    Beta Male

    great reply mary!

  • Poztate
    did you notice above the amount that might be generously given for medical procedures? Up to 1000 dollars? what will that pay for? a bandaid and a pat on the head?

    Yeah...I noticed that part too. You might squeeze $1000.00 out of us if all other avenues have been exausted and only if you are considered deserving. Let me guess.Long time elder or member of middle management (city overseer ?) I would bet that even a professed member of the annointed would get the brush off from the WT.Rank and file need not apply. Why is this miserly provision kept a secret from the rank and file?

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