If the Watchtower says that up is down, up becomes down. The loyal witness makes the mental switch because the "We Say So" corporation says so. This is relativism in its purest form; and it does not serve truth. Under relativism, the familiar points of reference such as up and down, black and white, lose their traditional, reality-based meaning. They become whatever the organization proclaims them to be.
The atmosphere of indifference and apathy that prevail in the organization is no accident. The average witness mind is programmed to accept the "Official" Watchtower version of events without consideration of any and all contradictory evidence. Injustice becomes Justice, Lies become Truth, Hate is called Love.
An unwillingness to confront the evidence, and thus the inability to come to rational decisions based upon verifiable facts, become a major hurtle for all of us that try to reason, with those we love, that are still being spoonfed by the society.
Question: How have some of you finally cracked the nut, and gotten past the "Wall" of fear with your relatives?