Well my pants were getting a little tight in the bottom so I decided to do something about it. Today I went and bought myself a bicycle. It's a 6 speed Huffy Insbruck. Nothing real fancy...I just wanted something to get out of the house on. Anyway, my question is this. How exactly does one ride a 6 speed bike? I'm fine as long as I'm going downhill or on level ground...but once I hit the slightest incline, it's like I'm pedaling through quicksand. I tried to switch gears while going uphill and it made this awful ''CUCHUCKCLANG!'' sound...completely freaked me out. So I walked the rest of the way up the hill, and once I got to the top and rode down, it was fine. So do you have to switch the gears in a certain order at a certain point? Help!!!
luv, jojo