Are there any Trinidadians in this forum? If so, please post, would like to chat!
by Poodles 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Are there any Trinidadians in this forum? If so, please post, would like to chat!
I'm not sure if he's just living in Trinidad or is from there, but Trinidad/Tobago is listed as part of his profile. here's a current thread of his:
I PM ed him once and said hi to him once in a thread he was in but he never responded! Maybe he doesn't want to! We could be related for all i know, that's why i asked!!
Paula Thanks for trying to help!
Well, i guess there are no Trinidadians in this forum, my bad, sorry i posted this!!
Why feel bad? Sometimes threads get buried. It's not personal.
I lived in Trinidad when I was a little girl. I have very fond memories of fields of burning sugar-cane, geckoes, running barefoot through the jungly bits, driving to the beach on weekends, those firecracker bushes we'd dare each other to bite in to, breadfruit trees, pointsetta and hibiscus bushes, screeching forests, the raucus markets with live chickens, my beloved school uniform, green calalloo soup, tiny bananas.
Hi jgnat
Do you have family there then or now?? I do!
No, no family.
Do you get to go visit your family occassionally? I haven't been back.
Thanks though.