The Amazing Chasm!

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    As I've said before, the present day condition of the
    organization is truly amazing! - and the most astounding
    aspect of it all is the growing chasm between reality
    and the mind-set of the average Witness.

    Consider how many formerly critical doctrines have now
    been enviscerated in the past few years:

    Blood (Fractions! Hemoglobin! Just say you're sorry,
    if you take a transfusion and we won't DA you)

    Voting ( You can vote! - maybe - sort of - Kinda
    if you do, just shut up about it)

    The UN ( They're good guys now! Stop that "disgusting
    thing" talk!)

    Elders ( You can lie, defraud, steal, molest, commit
    OK, that's fine with the Society - and remember

    And (for you 'old-timers' out there)

    Every Watchtower you get in the mail is COMPLETELY DEVOID
    of anything resembling doctrinal depth! Instead the Writing
    Dept. fills each issue with empty cheerleading about how
    wonderful the organization is!

    And meeting after meeting instructs you how to 'raise a
    happy, spiritual family' - THE SAME ADVICE THAT'S BEEN

    I hate the word "brainwashed" but it's sure hard to avoid.
    When do these zombies wake up? When do these faithful
    Witnesses realize that somebody has sold them the Brooklyn
    Bridge - spiritually speaking?

    For those of you with friends and relatives still caught
    in the deception of the 'Borg, it's going to take patience.

    A lot of patience

    But events are accelerating, not just with regard to
    Watchtower scandals , but in the world as well.
    I went to a college commencement and they informed us,
    matter of factly, that people were soon going to live to
    be 100 or 120 - and we should be planning on having at
    least two careers in a lifetime!

    Every passing month, the "Theocratic" chasm of reality
    vs. deception gets wider.

    How far can you stretch a rubber band before it breaks?


  • Grunt

    Good post, Metatron, and I couldn't agree more. Judging by the numbers of kids leaving as quoted in another post, the rubber band has snapped for the very young and they are voting with their feet at the first opportunity. I will be glad when whole house of cards comes down.

  • metatron

    Seeing the whole house of cards crash would be wonderful,
    but I'm afraid, given the nature of human credulity, we
    may have to settle for less.

    I'd be satisfied with a general loss of authority by
    the leaders of this sick organization. Witnesses could
    just tell themselves that 'we'll do whatever we please'
    and ignore the child-molester-hiding old dimwits who
    run the command structure.

    I sometimes pass old half dead churches like Quakers,
    Unitarians, Adventists and think how nice it would be if
    Witness congregations burned out the same way.


  • Grunt

    That would work. Kind of like American Catholics and birth control. "If my kid needs blood, he's getting it." or "Whether I vote or not is MY business." Or "Shun, shun who??? Shun YOU if you don't keep your nose out of my family business." Yeah, I could go with that. Soon they could be meeting in old filling stations like the fundamentalist snake handlers back home.

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