"SPECIAL CARDS" To see GB Go to Heaven

by ARoarer 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    I think the special cards are going to be passes for congregations who are run by Pedophiles and thier families to watch the GB pass out the KOOL-ADE to the "glorious ones" taking the lead over thier respective congregations. Then, after they "fall asleep" in death, the "glorious ones" (elders, not angels silly) will have "new light" given them about how they must drink the Kool-Ade too, so they can "fall asleep " too, but be raised within a "twinkling of an eye" to greet the ones who already "fell asleep in death" at the Special Meeting of Oct 7. Then after the GB dispenses this "new light" at the proper time to the glorious ones, they will announce to the rest of the R&F that they will be drinking the Kool-Ade too, so that they too can "die faithful" and go directly to Heaven to rule as "kings and Priests". They will also invite Dateline to come and film their faithful act before all opposers, and announce the "new light" to the rest of the congregations who were not invited to the special meeting. They will include in the "new light" special direction to the "gloious ones" (elders, not angels, silly), to announce at the KM meeting that all members in good standing will recieve everlasting life by remaining in "good standing" with Jehovah and his earthly Organization, by ending the "preaching and disciple making" and beginning a "new command", Destroy the wicked, anyone who is not am member in good standing and attending meetings regularly, and all others who are not a member of the the local congregations. This will usher in the "great tribulation" and all opposers will turn on them for murdering the wicked, but to continue even in the "face of death" until this work comes to completion as Jehovah "sees fit", then they too must direct the congregations to drink the Kool-Ade and all meet up in the New World, to be given special instructions by those ruling as Kings and Priests in Heaven for a thousand years. "New Scrolls" will be opened regarding anyone who becomes apostate at that time. Yes friends, this is what the "Special Meeting" is about. I can't believe non of you could figure it out!


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