Compare Jesus' Enthronement with the Occupation of Iraq

by jgnat 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    Quite a world we live in, huh? Jesus gets enthroned in 1914 and the world's gone hell in a handbasket ever since. Why in the HECK would an enthroned King allow Satan to run amok among us?

    Then I had the chilling thought, we have a modern-day analogy. The States has declared victory in the war againt Iraq. They describe their current operations as "mop-up" only. It is disturbing, though, to see how chaos and death continues, even with the great might of the US trying to maintain order.

    But, comparing Jesus' supposed reign since 1914 to the US portrays Jesus as a rather ineffectual King, don't you think? I'd always imagined Jesus return on his white charger, eyes blazing, sword flashing, trumpets trumpeting, to put an end to misery and pain. After all, he wasted no time putting things right the first time he visited.

    (OOPS. Edited to replace Iran with Iraq)

  • Leolaia

    Do you mean Iraq? Or did I go to bed and wake up in 2010?

  • jgnat

    Iraq, Iran. I can never keep those two straight.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hey Jgnat,
    Why in the world are people so supportive (now) of a dictator that nobody wanted around before the war? Could it be unreasonable U.S. hating, by chance? The largest news is not getting reported without the leftist and Islamic slant. The media thinks they can turn this into another Vietnam but it is not working. There are too many alternative news sources/bloggers now. As far as the Euroweenies go, they were in cahoots with Saddam as was Kofi the UN czar.
    The U.S. military role will be largely over by the end of this year. The new government in Iraq is making much progress and a higher percentage of Iraqis voted than in this country! Go figure. In the last four years 55 million people have been freed from tyrany. The only tryany that matters now comes from the mullahs in hatred of all things Jewish or Christian.
    Now as far as Iran, I don't think the U.S. is going to be pushing for involvement. Let Europe deal with this one since they are so flippin diplomatic and peaceful. The Iranian Islamists are not going to get a bomb, you can bet they will be taken out before that can happen. Israel has spine-enough to do it and they are always in survival mode.

  • jgnat


  • foreword

    Oh c'mon,

    If there was a threat that the US should be concerned about is Iran and they're going to let the Euroweenies handle that for them. I'm impressed by their sense of urgency. The only obvious reason the US is not getting involved is because they can't, militarily and financially. Of course they won't admit to that, so they pass the buck, and with this one (Iran) they'll use diplomacy. What a load of .....!

  • foreword

    Sorry jgnat, didn't mean to change the subject, actually I didn't.....but.

    As far as Jesus, well he's either a weaklin, or the watchtower got their dates mixed up

  • jgnat

    Nice recovery, foreword.

    As far as Jesus, well he's either a weaklin, or the watchtower got their dates mixed up

    Yeah, that's what I'm thinkin'. Satan's had more than a hundred years to mess with us. Whateverfor?

  • foreword

    .....nice of you to notice.

    I hear ya...someone is definitely messin with us. Or maybe no one gives a hoot and were on our own. Either way we're fuc**ed.

  • jgnat

    I was a LITTLE tongue in cheek about the handbasket comment. Overall, I think our world is getting better. We just have to work harder to see it.

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