To: Deacon

by Amazing 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Deacon: I am making this a separate post, because I believe that your comments deserve some discussion on their own thread.

    You opened and then concluded by saying,

    "You know what Amazing? You can take the man out the WT but not the WT out of the man." ... Deacon <used to think Amazing was amazing class, until the smell of WT came through>

    Why do you choose to open and close with insults? I am merely trying to discuss certain aspects of Gays and their social interactions and behavior. If you don't give a 'flying foobar' than why do you post in response? And why insult me, when I am just trying to have a discussion?

    You continued,

    "I dont really give a flying foobar about all this. It is so reminiscent of my elder colleagues self justification that it isnt funny. Me thiks you protesteth too much..."

    I protested nothing, other than how people misquote and twist what is said. I justified nothing. I said nothing in any manner that would resemble anything left over from JW days. I fail to understand your vague and unspecific complaint.

    You continued,

    "There are major issues with aspects of sexuality. I dont want to particularly see sex between participants whenther similarly sexed, dogs cats or just is not of interest."

    Then why do you post in reply? While I am not interested in homosexuality of itself, becauset that is not my orientation, I nevertheless am interested in the social interactions that go on, and how I cna better understand these. I even offered to have my views corrected in my original post.

    You continued,

    "You arent homosexual, you stated that so many times..we got the message. Your love for your fellow male was used to explainyour stand on the matter ... Now ... it always will be difficult to discuss the matter of sexuality with people of differing viewpoints and persuasions to our own ... and there it is ... dont make a fuss, dont labor the point ... and just love the people without watching their personal business or getting involved ..."

    If you even read my first post it was written to explain the context of material that from time to time gets misunderstood. Secondly, it was not about sexual practices of Gays, but about their social need to parse and disect every word and phrase someones says and turn it into some politically incorrect intent ... and intent never meant or implied. Second, it was about my concerns over the cries of persecution when Gays have made far better progress in a faster time frame than have African Americans.

    Again, you concluded,

    "Deacon <used to think Amazing was amazing class, until the smell of WT came through>"

    Besides the needless insult to an otherwise interesting discussion, I am sorry to have disappointed you. I am human, and I have my own views and feelings. I do not impose these on others, as I think most all here understand. I am simply trying to discuss an issue in a certain aspect, and again welcome corrections of my views. Now if this disappointes you, there is little I can do for you. - Amazing

  • Deacon

    Right now Amazing there is little you can do for anyone.

    You have a right to espouse your opinions, as clipped or verbose as you choose.
    You have a right to make a public discourse out of whatever subject takes your fancy...

    You have a right to your righteous indignation as expressed in this post...

    but...when someone disagrees with your style or methodology, or comments, dont pull the injured ex anointed elder martyr wounded pride routine..for that is exactly as it appears to be coming across to me.

    You will not get far with obscuration of the main reason for posting..and that is to explain why people seem to have misquoted or misunderstood your words. Perhaps because your words were not what you intended to say, or perhaps because you did not state clearly? either case, you have not gauged the likely response factor given the nature of this board and your subject content very well.

    You elicited a response from me. You dont have to like it.

    I dont merit my own thread, I dont merit the time you are pouring into this says more about your self opinion than it does about the subject matter in hand.

    I disagreed with you.

    I still disagree with you....and while you continue to flagrantly justify your own message with rhetoric and circuitous reasoning in the manner of an affronted elder...I will continue to disagree with you.

    and that sir, is my personal observed opinion of which I require no ratification of by my peers..

  • Amazing

    Deacon: You said, "You have a right to your righteous indignation as expressed in this post..."

    I have no righteous indignation. That is an emotion you are assigning, but it is not one I feel regarding this topic.

    You then say, "but...when someone disagrees with your style or methodology, or comments, dont pull the injured ex anointed elder martyr wounded pride routine..for that is exactly as it appears to be coming across to me."

    And how is that? Be specific, and don't pull the trick of making mere assertions. I never mnentioned anything regarding ex-elder or anointed or anything else. My post was about one thing, and that was to respond to the posters who commented to my original post about Gays and some of my observations. I also welcomed correction. How in the world you can come up with your assinine responses is beyond me.

    you continued, "You will not get far with obscuration of the main reason for posting..and that is to explain why people seem to have misquoted or misunderstood your words."

    The main reason is what I observe in Gays, that I notice they often take a stance of being persecuted and will teist what others say and injure the real intent and meaning. After my post, I noticed that several did the same with my own statements. If in discussion people "read things into what is said" that is their own problem and their own obfuscation of the issues, and not mine. If you or they miss it, then there is little anyone can do.

    You said, "Perhaps because your words were not what you intended to say, or perhaps because you did not state clearly? either case, you have not gauged the likely response factor given the nature of this board and your subject content very well."

    On the contrary, my onw senses have guaged the response wary well.

    You said, "You elicited a response from me. You dont have to like it."

    What I like or do not like is not relevant, and I have not stated what I like or don't like. I am only noting what is said, and being specific.

    You said, "I dont merit my own thread, I dont merit the time you are pouring into this says more about your self opinion than it does about the subject matter in hand."

    I disagree with you. And the fact that you take time to respond also suggest that your own actions disagree with your stated intention.

    You make mere assertions without any reason, rationale, or speicifcs. You make a claim of 'circuitous' reasoning, but fail to demonstrate anything of substance. You make a claim that I do this as an 'affronted elder' but again fail to provide anything of substance. In this post or the previous two about Gays, I never made any mention of having been a JW Elder or anything else like it.

    I am now taking Mr. Moe's advice and dropping the subject. - Amazing

  • Deacon
    I am now taking Mr. Moe's advice and dropping the subject. - Amazing

    A wise choice

  • Yerusalyim

    You new here Deacon? I'm just getting back on the board.


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Deacon

    no, not really ....60th on board I believe


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    Since: Aug 25, 2000

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