My initial response is that this is a debate revolving around the WTS position of the "resurrection"
Since the WTS insists that at death, a person passes into non-existence, then at the "resurrection" God does not in fact "resurrect" that unique person, since he/she not longer exists in any matrix of reality. The only obvious conclusion, then, must be that the WTS teaches that God "clones" ANOTHER person, a "copy" if you like, of the original, based on the memory pattern that God has of the original.
The WTS apologist is trying to insist that since the "cloning" is perfect, it is not in fact a ''copy'' but the real McCoy. Allusions are drawn to "hard drives" ''floppy disks" and ''computer programs'' to prove one side or the other.
The debate will continue. Each one of us has to face the question: When I die WHO is it that God will resurrect, not WHAT is it that will be resurrected.
If that person who is resurrected is to be REALLY you, then in some way, in some amorphous form, you must survive, to be reclothed with a phisical reality.
The issue to be resolved is: Does "resurrection" mean merely "coming back to life" as the WTS contends, or does it mean "coming back to life OF THE BODY'' as the Bible seems to suggest