Watchtower's view of "Hindu" women exposes themselves!

by Atlantis 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    Watchtower's view of Hindu women exposes themselves! The article below indicates that the United Nations would only get farther away from God if women were involved with it. The nationality of a Hindu woman running for its presidency is mentioned. Awake December 22 1953 pages 3-4 Page 3 quote: "The fact is that having women in politics or in the United Nations is not the solution, but is just getting farther away from God's way of doing things. Page 4 quote: "The United Nations is very definitely a part of this world, but Christ Jesus taught his followers to pray for a kingdom that is no part of this world." "The election of a Hindu woman to the presidency of the United Nations is but another reason for Christians not to have anything to do with it." The "Awake" article not only implies a negative view towards women taking the lead in general, but they made sure that the woman's nationality of being Hindu was viewed in poor light as well. The Watchtower Society also mentions not to have anything to do with the United Nations. And that would include collaborating with the United Nations even for a library card! Cheers!

  • carla

    Do you think it is as much that she is a woman or a hindu? My guess being a woman bothers them more.

  • Atlantis


    Hi Carla! My personal view is that they would say the same thing no matter what nationality the woman was. It is a shame that the Watchtower has such a negative view towards women. It is the women who do most of the work within the Watchtower Society. If the women within the Watchtower were to become angry enough, they could close the place down!


  • ColdRedRain

    Yeah. I bet joining the UN made the UN closer to god too!

  • stillAwitness

    Why did they have to mention her being "Hindu?" That is very odd

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