Disclaimer - I did not write this. I found this on a discussion board about whether or not the bible is "finished". This was from a poster about a year ago and I got a chuckle out of it.
I suspect that at some point "The Gospel of George Dubya Bush" may be added.
"1. In the beginning, Gahd said unto George, 'Thou shalt be President, and thou shalt smite third world nations who have oil.' And George obeyed"
2. And George did beget George Dubya, and Gahd sayeth unto him, 'More of the same old son', and George Dubya obeyified.
3. And did George Dubya surveyed the destruction that he had wrought in the name of Gahd, and thought 'The heathens will not misunderestimate me again'. Praise the Lord"