Da Vinci Code (fluff alert)

by sass_my_frass 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Just finished 'hyped-up-bestselle-of-the-year' the Da Vinci Code. It was a lot of fun; a great long chase scene disguising a lot of narrative about the birth of christianity. What I liked was the new perspective on so many things. I'd heard about gnosis and goddesses but this was good to read as it took something I knew a little about and shone light on it from a different angle, and it was refreshing to realise that lights could come on anywhere, and make any old faith look different.

    What books have made you see things a little differently? New ideas that got you thinking? I'm really enjoying this whole freedom-of-thought thing.

  • JAVA

    The "Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown was a fun read.
    However, I'm amazed at the number of people who take the book seriously. It's a novel based on some places and things that are real with a lot of fiction between the lines--all the makings of a good novel. Even the Catholic Church was foolish enough to recommend that members not read the book; which I'm certain increased its sales by millions. :)

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah, I can imagine that a lot of people would have fallen for it. It has a literary air, to anybody who doesn't read much literature. There are 'Da Vinci Code' tours you can take now. It doesn't take long to work out how to exploit a cult!

    At this stage I have a hunger for new perspectives. I imagine that I'll never accept one of them as the everlasting truth, but it's so great that everything I see proves that I made the right decision; because anything can be presented as 'the truth' in a certain light. Somehow, fictions and fables are helping to liberate my thoughts. And it's a lot more fun than my microeconomics textbook!

  • Celia

    I loved that book ! I can't wait to see the movie. Before I knew anything about the Brown book, I had read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" , which really got me interested. Now the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail are sueing Brown for plagiarism and try to stop the movie to be shown !

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