Myself being a very observant person have on many occasions witnessed Witnesses behaving badly in public places. For instance, I was in an auto parts store recently, unbeknownst to a JW(elder) who happened to walk in, lines were long and this @#@hole demanded to be served immediately, yelling, cutting in front of everyone else, belittling the clerks like they were nobody (typical JW). I felt like telling him to calm down and show some "fruitages of the spirit"™, but I just watched his rant and thought to myself how bad these jerks act when they think no one is around. If anyone cares to relate some experiences of JW's behaving like total jerks when they think no one is looking, post your story.
Have you ever witnessed a Witness
by mjs mouse, ben 5 Replies latest jw friends
*raises hand*
I was in a hotel in Laughlin, NV waiting at the elevator when the door opened there was a couple sucking face and I cleared my throat and started to step in when to my great surprise Brother ___ (married to Sister ___) turns around sees me and turns deep red. No he wasn't kissing Sister ___! I don't know who she was but........
I'm still bewildered by that time I went out with my witness flatmate and our witness buddy, to a gay club. She and I snogged him for a while, then we went to a strip joint, while they caught up with a sister who was coming out of the closet. It got beyond me at that point so I had to leave. A year later: I'm disfellowshipped, flatmate is married to an elder, gay sister shares a place with another sister, and the guy moved to where the need is great.
My 'worldly' friends now tell me I'm the wildest person they ever met, and I was the tame one in my crowd. It's impossible for me to fathom how much 'wickedness' gets covered up in the congregation.
I too was at an auto parts store and there was an elder there giving the girl a rough time over a item he wanted to return. He was ranting and was very rude to her. He turned around and saw me and calmed down a little bit. After he left the clerk said to me what a mean man. Wow good example of christian conduct.
I have had a run in with Bill Holier-than-thou. He's a local JW that does street work on the bus sytem around the area I work in. I have spoken to him before (I have never said that I was a JW), and he has a very condescending manner about him. When you give a rebuttal to his ascertions, he looks past you and you can see the mind begin to tune you out.
Back to the story. I guess Bill forgot that I am not a willing sheep, and he asked my about reading the Belchtower & Asleep rags. I politely declined. Bill responded, "Oh yes, I remember you. You are a Pentecostal" (the venom in his voice when he uttered that word got the attention of a couple of the riders). I affrimed his statement, and again politely told him that I was not interested. Bill then said that I was not a Christian because I spoke in tongues. I said told him that his opinion of my Christianity is shared by a number of denominations within Christianity, and by cults like his. I also stated that his opinion didn't bother me in the least. I also told Bill that since he decided to insult me that our conversation was over, and I asked him to never speak to me again. Bill then stomped off saying, in a loud voice that all Pentecostals will die at Armeggedon.
Now the bus we were on was an express bus (limited stops). The bus driver pulls over, stops the bus and demands that Bill get off the bus. Right away, Bill yells religious discrimination. To which the bus driver tells him that he is not being kicked off for prosyletizing, but for creating a disturbance, and that if he did not leave the bus immediately the driver would call the cops and have him arrested. Bill turned white, and quickly stepped off the bus. The rest of the riders appauled, and we were on our way.
This happened about two months ago, and Bill has not ridden this bus since, but I know he has ridden the same line at other times.
We had a mail carrier working at our Station who would yell and curse at the customers on his mail route. If somebody came outside while he was delivering to the neighborhood boxes at the apartment complex and spoke to him, he would slam the door shut on the NDCBU and drive off. He did this just to make the people wait to get their mail, and they would call in on him all the time.
Another time, this elder kissed a female customer on his route and tried to pull her into his truck. She called the police and he got in trouble at work. He said he was just trying to comfort her.
He finally got in very serious trouble at work and was forced to retire. He told the congregation he retired to take care of his ailing wife, and they thought he was such a wonderful husband.