If you came into the truth, were you able to make friends easily?

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    If you came into the truth within the last ten years, did you find it hard or easy to make friends?

    Were you able to cut through the bullsh*t and see you were being love bombed? did it make you feel special, that you had found the True Religion?

    Or did you have no friends? Were you one of those whose face didn't fit? What did you do about it?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    After the first few years I realized it was all a load of bull. People would tell me about how my real family was at the kingdom hall, WTF? These people did nothing to invite me as a true friend. The only time I ever saw them was at the Kingdom Hall. After I switched Halls that was the last I've ever heard from any of them including those people who said they where "family". People don't realize how stupid they are acting with the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, looking back i'm glad they didn't take any real interest in me. It helped me see how much BS the whole thing was a lot quicker.

  • Ellie

    I was love bombed like crazy by the older people in the congregation, but at the age of 16 you don't really want to be hanging out with the old wrinklies, some of the girls would point blank ignore me, some would say hello, the lads wrote me letters but didn't talk to me at the hall.

  • Finally-Free

    I got baptized in 1984. I was never love bombed™ but people were friendly enough - until the day I got baptized. It was so noticable. Almost as soon as I got out of the pool people had no more time to talk to me. They couldn't count their time any more, right? I spent the next 19 years in an emotional and social vacuum.


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    I was born into it but I changed congregations a few times. The last time was as a 25 yr old. I was virtually ignored down the hall and even at the book study. In the six months I was there I can't say I made a single friend at that particular hall.

  • greendawn

    It's the same story they love bomb you at first but as soon as you get baptised the interest evaporates, so it is just a trick to draw you in, some at first may also see you as a bible study to fill in hours in the comfort of a home rather than go from door to door.

  • rekless

    Yes, I had many friends where ever I moved.

    We were very friendly and humble. JUst never put on heirs or treated people badly, even when I was an elder I was liked by the rich and the poor ...I was poor.


  • looking_glass

    People were very nice to me and I still have a lot of the same friends, some still JWs and some that are inactive, DF'd or DA'd. I love the fact that I can say that my BF is someone I have know since I was a baby, because we were babies together and raised together. I would say that of my friends 50% are still associated with JWs in some fashion. I like JWs (except the overly preachy ones ... hmmm, so that might exclude a few). I pretty much like everyone, unless they are mean. Shame on mean people.

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