How would the elders react if a JW began using habitually expressions like "Jesus Christ our Lord" or "our church" instead of "our organisation" or "may Jesus help you/be with you" expressions that are scriptural and apostolic but which the FDS does not really like?
The JWs and Jesus as their Lord
by greendawn 9 Replies latest jw friends
You ever heard of the back room?
Forscher -
drew sagan
I've allready started to do this, much to peoples confusion. Out in service this guy was talking about how the WTS is "the way". I told him "Well we all know that Christ is the way". A few doors later he goes, "What did you mean by Christ is the Way?". I said the Bible clearly teaches that the Christian faith begins at Christ and nowhere else and that is what people who don't understand its message need. He just looked at me strange and said "Well, I meant Jesus and all of the other stuff too". This kind of talk from a man going door to door to "teach" people about the Bible! Good Lord.
Probably have a heart ATTACK!! Oh know were being infiltrated by the evil legions of Christendom
Apostate Kate
It looks like we're going to find out what they would do if Drew keeps this up. What are they going to do, disfellowship him for saying it on the grounds that he is commiting angel worship?
The elders about had a conniption fit when I told them I worship Jesus just like Thomas did. If I had not DA'd them and their god, the Faithful Slave Governing Body), I would have been brought up on charges of heresy (apostacy in JWspeak).
There were several things that led us out of the borg but this one, Jesus is Lord, was the key for me.
For some years I'd been troubled by the WT teaching about Jesus, and therefore what I had to preach in talks. It just didn't seem right to me - how could the "only begotten" be somehow less than God, a created being? I looked at my son, saw how he'd grown to manhood, saw that his life was one of individual purpose, and remembered seeing his birth - he came "out of" Mrs Ozzie. Yet how could it be said he was less than me? He was now on par with me - we're both individual men.
Then I read the scriptures that the WT tries to argue away, like the one about Thomas and I thought, hey, the WT (and therefore me too) are teaching that Christ lied - and that lying wasn't even "theocratic warfare", it was to one of his close associates, an apostle. How could Jesus use subterfuge like that? How could he materialise the wounds in his hands and side simply to fool Thomas? I didn't like what I was teaching at all.
I left, declared that Jesus is Lord and looked for people who similarly declared it.
I told him "Well we all know that Christ is the way". A few doors later he goes, "What did you mean by Christ is the Way?"
Yes, that's about the correct response from a brain-dead Witness who's been taught that the Organization is 'the Way'. Take a look at this little gem I found........what a bunch of hypocrites!
g85 2/8 p. 28 From Our Readers ***In your issue of August 22, 1984, page 28, you stated that the Catholic Church claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. The Catholic Church does not claim to be the way of salvation but teaches that Jesus Christ is the way to salvation. The Church is an instrument used by God to lead people to the One who saves, namely, Jesus. I urge you to stop putting down other churches and concentrate on the gift of love. ---------S. H., California
And the WT's response:
In the "New Catholic Encyclopedia" by The Catholic University of America, under the subject "Salvation, Necessity of the Church For," it states that one comes into contact with God’s arrangement to be saved through faith and "through the Catholic Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, outside of which there is no salvation................. We believe it to be in the interests of all men to be informed of the true state of affairs, including those areas wherein church organizations or their leaders do not conform to the teaching of Christ. If people are taught to worship God in a way that conflicts with true Bible teaching, and which he will not accept, it is surely showing them love to inform them of the facts, even as Jesus did, as recorded in Matthew 15:8, 9.—ED. (isn't that what we're doing here? )
Yet as per usual, there's the ol' Double Standard:
w57 5/1 p. 277 Show Respect for Jehovah’s Organization ***Our fate is in our own hands. Whether we shall become "sheep" or "goats" is determined by our own course of action toward Jehovah’s organization.
This is the mystifying thing that is worth a lot of research, it goes too much against the grain of the JWs to call Jesus Lord, and I think it goes beyond the Trinity issue since the Apostles did think of Jesus as Lord whether he is subordinate or equal to the Father.
Every mainstream Christian religion thinks in terms of the church of Christ and aims to make its followers members of the body of Christ. The Jws always talk in terms of the organisation of jehovah and a judaic mindset of salvation primarily through works. Something dodgy is going on. Why do they keep that unnatural distance from the Christ? -
Apostate Kate
Something dodgy is going on. Why do they keep that unnatural distance from the Christ?
John 8:36 If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.